I recommend the pre-revolution boulangerie Au Pétrin Moissagais in Bordeaux. While it wouldn't sell fine Corinthian turkeys, their oven - hearth of the eating area in the back - could probably cook whatever you throw inside - meringues, a French aristocrat's boot, etc

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Bonne vacances!

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I'm going to Paris Friday for work and will be there for this terrible week in the U.S. Merci à Dieu.

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This winter I've been reading laters my dad sent home to his mother in South Dakota....sent after theArmistice of WWI. If that young soldier could have imagined his granddaughter Martha tooling around the same French countryside....!! countryside

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Godspeed, Michael and Martha.

And goddammit, I wish my husband and I had planned something to get through you-know-what later this month.

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You have been my sole source of information since the election. Merci beaucoup!

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I hope when you are in Paris that you visit the Liberation Museum. Walking down the stairs and through the underground chambers, where the Resistance had their headquarters, was a deeply moving experience.


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I'm always aware that we (Americans) are doing it wrong, because we believe popularity and things will make us whole. They do not.

We are in the midst of a vivid display of this truth, and still it fails to resonate with the slimmest majority of the population. Wanting fame and fortune feels ingrained into our very existence at times. Are we that insecure as a nation? Don't answer that.

Enjoy your sojourn.

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Vous êtes un homme chanceux. Bon voyage !

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O la la !

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Have le blast!!!

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Wishing you a wonderful time in Paris. My favourite place to enjoy is Ste Chapelle - being inside when the sun is out is simply magical.

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What a wonderful time to be in France without tourists! I booked a trip to the South of France in June, and I'll be there for a total of 13 days—about as long as I can stay away from my grandchildren. A month would be absolutely glorious, though. I hope you and Martha enjoy France and each other's company, especially as a break from the overwhelming negativity that has become so prevalent in America.

Please write often since we live vicariously through your words. Your readers need a giggle or two to get through our trials.

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Don't forget to write!

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Bon voyage!

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Eat, drink and be merry.....also be safe....

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