I don’t know why you feel bad. You were exposing his hypocrisy far better than most journalists. Please keep it up.

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Welp, turns out Lawler WAS indeed the asshole, eh? That’s what we Libs get for having a conscience.

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Yes, do not beat yourself up - you called him on things that needed calling on, and straightforwardly so. Personally, once he pulled out that wretched "Kokomo" parody, I think all bets should have been off from that moment on. HIGNFY is one of the best things on TV (or whatever content delivery system one finds it on); keep it up, all of you!

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No more lost sleep for you! You were fabulous and a chefs kiss to all three of you on the comic tap-dancing! Brilliant way to call out their bullshit!

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I stumbled across this … glad I did… I wasn’t familiar with you until this show. I came to it because of Amber & Roy. Now I’m a fan of you, as well. I had posted Lawler’s rap and got razzed for it.

I agree 100% with YOU. These non committed LYING republicans need to be held accountable!!

He obviously wants to run for Governor and can’t afford to piss off


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I literally paused the show to hop on here to find your most recent stack to tell you how awesome you are at holding his feet to the fire tonight! And I can tell you on the post about the show. You are doing what we want our democratic politicians to be doing - fighting back, challenging their thinking, openly. So thank you. And thank you for airing the hecklers, too… that’s also important. Now, back to the rest of the episode!

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They kept in the hecklers?!? Wow.

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They did and all of you talking about it - lol! It was a moment that needed to happen on air so it was cool they showed it!

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But yeah, it's not that hard to challenge these guys. I mean, I'm a former Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

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I mean, the guy just looks like a douche.

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Good on you Michael. Thanks for being an asshole. We need every person with an opportunity such as you had, both in and out of the news media, to question every single statement, step, and plan of those displaying the slightest hint of ill-intent and deception.

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I’m from Fort Wayne, IN and my mom still lives there. Why are you flying to FW? Have fun!

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He was being dishonest with your audience and evasive with a straightforward question. I don’t care if he got touchy about it, you had a moral responsibility to call him on that bullshit.

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I completely understand why you felt the urge to apologize. However, you are on CNN, and though a brilliant comedian, you were in the position of a journalist with your guest. You did what should have been done all along by the media/journalists (who are mostly just reporters now)- you held a politician accountable to his words and actions. You showed integrity on behalf of the people who want answers. Apologize all you want to, but I thank you for your zest!

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I appreciate the words but I'm definitely NOT a journalist, would never claim to be one, nor do I have any aspirations to be one. I'm a c-list comedian on a basic cable comedy news quiz show. The advantage of that is that I need to uphold no journalistic standards, nor do I have to pretend not to have a bias when I obviously do. It's just that I'm not going to let politicians abuse our show by coming on and spout nonsense because they think we're going to let it slide. Yes, I apologized and I will continue to feel badly when I confront future guests because I don't want anybody to leave our show feeling like they didn't have a good time (it IS a comedy show after all). At the same time, I feel like I'm in a unique position where I can speak for at least some of the audience who would like to sit beside a politician and hold their feet to the fire, at least a little bit. I would feel worse if I didn't do that than if I speak my mind, knowing that I'm likely upsetting our guest. (It's also worth noting that they ARE our guest. We invited them to our show.) It's a little bit of a Catch-22 for me because I'm not trying to be a dick, but if being a dick is what the moment requires then I'll be a dick and feel badly about it afterwards.

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If that’s his position on Ukraine now you’re being way too generous to him. He appears to have lost his spine & morality. Like all the rest of his party.

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I've met Lawler. In addition to being an idiot (as in not very intelligent) he's also a Trump shill and always will be. Considering what they're doing over there on the right, and how they treat vast swaths of humanity, they deserve everything coming to them. No apology neccessary.

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He legit has sexual predator vibes.

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Good on you, Michael. Don’t fret too much. Would Lawler give such a mea culpa? Maybe, maybe not. But most of those on his side definitely would not, do not. Your willingness and ability to self-reflect push you above your slight to him.

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Love the brutal honesty with a dash of humility - keep it coming !

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Love the show keep it up!

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