Here’s some things I would love to give up, but sadly most folks haven’t heard/don’t want to hear/refuse to hear or simply can’t find any critical thinking skills 🤷‍♂️

Trans “women” are women

Bio men in women’s sports are good bc

A. We ck their T levels,

B. They have an exemption for their T levels

C. It’s fair/compassionate and inclusive

“Gender affirming care” is being attacked by right wing transphobes. (Has anyone actually seen what this “care” does to the human body?) Can you say impaired sexual function? Possible infertility? Lifelong medical patient (big pharma ❤️)? Healthy body parts gone.....forever? Yes, a child KNOWS who they are and as our president stated: we parents are ‘cruel’ to deny this to our children!

Look it up-he said it.

Insurance and government are MANDATED to provide sex reassignment hormones and surgeries for ANYONE (prisoners) who request them. If, however a person regrets their decision (children/young adults/whoever) and seeks help to detransition, all of the doors shut. No options really, bc this shit is basically experimental and there are no procedures in place to repair the damage and to add insult to injury, there are no laws requiring the medical profession to help you out of this mess. They were so eager to usher you along the trans train, but you’re shit out of luck if it didn’t work out so well and you were a child or mentally compromised when you entrusted your care to these “professionals”.

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Hope you're OK. Talking face to face with another human being is a good thing. You should do more of it.

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Just saw you on YouTube/NewsNation. Kudos. Re: Jacob Elordi - I’ve never seen anything he’s in, but I did see a comment on how everyone is surprised how tall he is in real life; apparently, on TV/movies/whatever he’s famous for, he is portrayed as being of average height. Googling him on the red carpet provided a couple minutes of enjoyment for me. You know, just some needed distraction from realising we’re just ants to Earth’s true overlords living in some higher dimension. Then again, we just may be a computer simulation. Which would be worse…?

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Maybe you should become a Jehovah's Witness.

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Or start an Optimists club!

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Happy New Year Michael - I too struggle with buying or not buying things on Instagram. Maybe Martha and I should start a group. We would advertise for members on Instagram.

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Jan 1·edited Jan 1

This op says it all. I’ll close for the year with a quote from the host:

But God forbid she marries that football player this year. Then we’re all fucked.

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No loud opinions in 2024. No new celebrities. Keep Caesar in Caesar Salad.

That's my three. Please send occasional reminders, that would be a great help.

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90% with you but I can't give up March Madness (UConn fan here, men & women, NCAA basketball playoffs are a sacred time in CT!). But I'll bite on skipping February instead!

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March brings ... March Madness stop hating on that 31 day period. I suggest ditching the period between the Super Bowl and spring training

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But March is my birthday month! I'll do double on not paying attention to TS and I've already been successfully avoiding phone conversations and kale.

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This piece is full of brilliant ideas. Let the New Year's Disillusions commence already. Happy New Year Michael!

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We are in for a rough ride for sure, but a Marchless 2024 would be like finding a sawbuck under the sofa cushion.

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I try not to wish time away but I admit I wish the next election was OVER. In some ways the last election still isn’t over because SOME people are pretending like it wasn’t fair. Since SOME people are still yapping, I have terrible trepidation of the absolute nonsense this next election may bring. Excellent post here Mr black.

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Heck, I struggle to get through today. This December has been the worst I have had for decades. Am I alone in feeling this? I have decent health, my adult children seem adjusted and successful, my grandchildren are wonderful and I have not had a tragedy this month. Then why does it suck? There are plenty of things I don't want to read or hear about anymore, but I suspect 2024 will be full of crap that will set me off.

March rarely brings anything to the joy table. And the impending election nonsense promises to make us all want to become ex-pats.

I apologize. This hasn't been the year I had hoped. At least when you write I get a lift knowing that even the known amongst the unknown didn't feel great about things either.

Happy New Year, I hope.

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How about a presidential draft, or lottery?

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How about we skip February too?

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