Klaus is the bomb! Know him personally.

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I definitely we agree that we have a big problem on our hands, because humans are delusional, virtually by design. We buy into all kinds of silly notions like the immaculate conception, astrology, homeopathy (although the placebo effect is real), the idea that the 15- oops! I mean 10 commandments were handed down directly from God to Moses. We believe the Jews coordinated 911 and control the world’s economy. We believe that homosexuality is the work of the devil. We believe that the Earth is flat. we believe that Donald Trump was heaven-sent and will make an excellent president again, just like he did the last time. I won’t mention the delusional beliefs of some other religions, because I do not want to be beheaded. To me, this just seems like another chapter in a human history rife with delusions, some much more dangerous than others. So yes, I believe we are in big trouble.

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OMG i just saw today’s Substack. ❤️

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There’s definitely life out there. But it’s hard to believe they’re traveling billions of light years to do little drive-by’s without actually popping in to say hello. #wasted effort?

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Well, that's the thing - if there's really something there, it's possible they're either from here, from another time, another dimension, or originate in some other form that may be spatially closer to us than billions of miles. It's also possible that they ARE saying hello. We keep seeing them and, if you believe the abductees, interacting with them. It's also possible they don't want to make their presence fully known for reasons of their own. It's also possible they have some sort of agreement with members of our species NOT to be more public. But it's a good question and the answer is: I have no idea.

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Understood and makes sense. I guess when push comes to shove I don’t believe the abductees. They may think they are telling true tales, but I believe they are delusional.

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They very well might be, in which case we've got a big problem on our hands because thousands upon thousands of people are having similar experiences, describing similar things, and are traumatized by these events. So what's going on? Why is this happening to people around the world in similar ways? Is there some kind of mass psychosis breaking out involving people seeing bizarre, vaguely anthropomorphic creatures who conduct scientific/medical experiments on them? Worse, for many of these people, the experience is lifelong. What the hell could be causing that? And what do we do about it?

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How do we know that the phenomenon of dreaming isn't mass delusion? Or that THIS isn't the dream? Or someone else's dream? Donald Hoffman thinks we're all delusional.

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Months ago I shared my very real encounter in 1968 with you. I share with few people because of stigma, Dr. Garry Nolan and Dr. Jacque Vallee know my wee bit and neither ridiculed it.

There are millions of us over the decades who see or interact with unknown phenomena. We kept it to ourselves. Who wants to be "that person" who saw physics that cannot be explained? No one.

I have had to tell myself that the disruption to industries, markets, and belief systems would be so unpredictable and possibly catastrophic, that the government must handle this as clandestinely as possible. Compartmentalize to the point no one part of any agency or program embedded within the program has a full understanding, i.e., Trinity and Los Alamos. Congress didn't know about that.

I do believe that technology has been gleaned that not black ops within black ops keep it under the radar. The DoD is just a piece and its profile is too high. The IC is involved and every major Beltway bandit that touches upon physics and chemistry has a tangential piece. Russia knows, China knows, and all our allies know.

But, the DoD doesn't know everything. And what it knows, it can't be the lead on this. It's a worldwide issue involving many thousands of parts.

I know what I know. There must be whistle-blowers who collectively come forth and will take the guaranteed heat. The Executive Branch of all countries would have to agree to come clean on the pieces each can be shared.

Something is here. It knows us. We don't know it. There's no malice involved unless stupid humans poke where we create issues for those observing. The world powers know that.

Whatever it or they are, they're here folks. And they aren't what the sci-fi films and books love to portray. Just saying.

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Love this and agree with every word.

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Nothing to see here, folks. Please move along in an orderly fashion. Trust us, we’re the government.

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I never expected the Pentagon to come clean, when, legally, these mouth pieces probably don’t even have the appropriate title authority (10 vs 50)...nor the deeper SAP clearance...to access, let alone disclose such records to the American people. Technically it’s against “the law” for them to access it…and it’s definitely against the law to disclose it.

The shocking thing for me was the Pentagon hand-picking select “journalists” to get this briefing before others - presumably so they could control the timing, volume of reports and consistency of messaging to the American people. That’s just fucked up. It signals that this issue will always be the “ultimate” national security issue for the Pentagon, which they have unlimited freedom to control.

On the issue of UAPs, we do NOT have a free press, and we can’t lie to ourselves that we do. They might allow us to report on the issue, but MSM is not allowed to “dig” and that is a huuuuuuuuuuuge problem.

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Wishful thinking won't make it so.

Would humankind even recognize alien life forms?

If there's other life and technology out there, we would be best served by being extremely quiet and invisible.

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"the evidence is incontrovertible and voluminous" - with any due respect, it sure as hell is not. Every single piece of "evidence" put forward has been roundly and thoroughly debunked and discredited - not implying nefarious intent, but arrogant confidence of people who simply do not know better.

There is better and more thorough evidence of vast electoral fraud - and there is vanishingly little of that.

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"Every single piece of "evidence" put forward has been roundly and thoroughly debunked and discredited - not implying nefarious intent, but arrogant confidence of people who simply do not know better."

The arrogant confidence of people who don't know any better... May want to reflect on that statement, while looking in the mirror.

Most evidence hasn't been debunked. People fear what they don't understand. Regardless of your lack of insight, doesn't grant you the right to disparage all the people who have in good faith, many to their great personal detriment, in service of our country that were tasked with investigating UAP phenomena, or witnessed and dared to speak out publicly when conventional chain of command failed them.

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With any due respect…

Not trying to be rude, and also not trying to turn this into a reddit argument, but you’re clearly “behind" on this topic.

It’s OK. I was too. To help get you caught up, first, read the Schumer Amendment: https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf

This document proves the government has already disclosed the existence of NHI to itself.

And if you don’t believe me, listen to the guy who helped write it:


According to Nell, the Controlled Disclosure Campaign Plan is already in motion. Regardless of the Schumer amendment getting partially gutted, next comes disclosure to the scientific community, and then comes disclosure to the public. In that order. Read Eric Weinstein's thoughts about the subject:


What’s that document he’s referencing? I’ve given you the link below. In short, Australia disclosed our own history before we did. How embarrassing!


There ya go. In summary, It’s ET AND it’s our craft too. And, as those who follow the subject have come to understand over the past 70+ years, it’s a lot of things beyond just those…it’s interdimensional, it’s consciousness, it’s a more complex issue than any of us are ready to understand.

Look, I know it’s a lot to take in at once, but the main reason we have very little material proof shouldn’t blind us to the fact that dozens of whistleblowers have already come forward (as patriots) and said very openly it’s all stuck behind SAP after SAP, legally hidden from us. And as the Schumer Amendment keenly identifies, is mostly because of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 - which tagged any nuclear item as a national security threat.

So, whenever you’re ready to accept these facts, you can start to accept that this has been a truth embargo. And the thousands of accounts out there - from Roswell to Rendlesham to Ruwa to Varginha to Phoenix to Stephensville to Nimitz to I can list them for days… - all have legitimacy.

Thank you for your time,

Fellow human

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Bravo. I couldn't do better with providing training wheels!

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"With ANY due respect"? I hope I deserve at least a little. (I'm kidding) The "incontrovertible and voluminous" evidence to which I'm referring is that something, or things, we don't understand is out there. That doesn't mean it's ET or anything else, only that we don't know. As I said in my essay, even the AARO report acknowledges as much. All I'm saying is, even if you totally and completely the ET hypothesis, we are still left with a mystery. (That's being said, it's worth noting that AARO has always maintained that there is no evidence of ET, they do not say there is no evidence of non-human intelligence, which is a much broader term to describe other hypothesized theories of what's out there, but it gets a little into the weeds for the purposes of my essay, so I accepted AARO's language, even though I suspect it's purposely obfuscatory.)

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Greetings. I think you are well on track with your understanding of the phenomina.

I watched your moving YouTube video you published on New Year's Day praising David Grusch. I tried to contact you afterwards on Twitter. It's a crowded place, so understandable you didn't respond. Am watching your interview with Patrick. Am at the point in the convo where you are discussing your sighting. It is tremendously interesting. I would like to correspond with you confidentially on the UAP/NHI topic, if you are open to such. I may be able to help you with better understanding and insight into historical and contemporary information. Am actual close friends with Lue Elizondo. Am also friends and affiliated with many other well known people related to this topic.

I have spent the last decade since my medical retirement researching and investigating ancient history, NHI, physics.

I don't have a security clearance, have not worked in any UFO programs, but I do know a great deal about the topic, including ancient history. You can verify my affiliation by checking out Lue's Twitter profile, or mine. I've interviewed Lue on 2 different YouTube channels 5x so far. Am not primarily interested in having a YouTube conversation with you, as I am wanting to help elevate the collective knowledge base and understanding of the very real phenomena of NHI interacting with humanity. You have excellent insight, knowledge and interest, with a lot of questions. I believe would be of mutual benefit from my perspective at least for us to talk. I know a lot of military witnesses, whistleblowers, academics and abductees as well.

My name is Rob Heatherly. @Robheeatherly1 on Twitter.

Email is robinhood1966@gmail.com. Feel free to not feel any obligation to respond. No explanation expected. Be well.

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I didn’t read the report, but just news summaries. I’ll suppose I’ll give it a full look. Did it mention any inter-dimensional phenomena, or is that also just rumors that have taken on a life unto themselves?

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Don’t waste your time. Read a legit scientists thoughts on the subject:


You might wonder why he states he’s sympathetic to National Security…well, he’s probably been briefed on some things, that he can’t talk about…though he can help with the slow drip disclosure campaign per the schumer amendment.

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