Agree the kids are alright…but the media is NOT. I’ve been feeling paralysis by the weaponization of every breath an egalitarian dares to exhale in this climate and feel something larger and more sinister at play. It’s forcing me to reexamine my approach to effecting change so that I don’t inadvertently contribute to the outrage machinery. That is just a side note - nothing to do with the students. Just kind of an observation on where we’re at that I don’t think is a product of being GenX but more what society has devolved into? So much to think about!

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I, too, felt as though the world was slowly turning in the right direction, when it slipped through our fingers. Things we’ve known or at least sensed since the 70’s either haven’t materialized or been fixed. That is the burden of the Boomers. Racism and greed are so deeply ingrained in our culture, I sometimes feel we will never root it out, but we must continue to work at it as we work to preserve democracy, it is our only hope. God bless the student protesters and while there is plenty of blame to go around, let’s bless everyone of every generation who loves beauty, truth and justice. Thank you for summarizing so beautifully what you’ve observed.

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And PLEASE, kids, VOTE!

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At which university did you give this commencement speech? ;^)

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Great read. Exactly put into words how I feel, and I think our kids are the same age. Both my kids don't want to vote for Biden, though, and that scares the shit out of me since one is Transgender.

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Kids these days are the only thing that give me hope 🙌💖🥹 I work with 3 Gen Z and they are amazing. So much smarter than I was at their age!

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So much smarter. And also more accepting of others. I teach at a university and I'm constantly humbled by how much more empathetic they are than me and my fellow cynical GenXers were at their age. I think that this growth in empathy is one of the unacknowledged drivers of the protests.

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Agreed on all counts! 💖

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Speaking specifically about the ire leveled at the protesters, it has the same quality of professionalism that was leveled at the Parkland "Never Again" kids, although academia has joined the fray today. Whether either group deserves it or does not deserve that projection against them isn't my point. It is that dissent isn't allowed in America unless the status quo allows it, and we see how both have been muted or reframed to the tastes of the editorial room. After years, Roe is on the rocks and Stonewall is heading that way albeit slower as trans is taking most of the heat. You said it best illiberalism is on the rise. Individual liberty is on the lips of every conservative and in the back of the mind of every executive in this country, yet they dash it at every turn. Probably because of profit.

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Mine was an infant during 9/11 too, and I feel this. Crying.

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This brought me to tears. Thanks for your perspective on the college protests. I admit I am one of those who’s been thinking the students were being manipulated for another purpose.

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I think there is some manipulation, but the kids are smarter than we were at their age, more media savvy, and more keyed into the fact that other people encouraging them may not have their best interests at heart. Again, I find a lot distasteful about these protests but I don't fault the general commitment to peace.

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Beautiful piece of writing, Michael.

I think we also owe credit to o those crazy people who had enough optimism to bring these strong believers into this world.

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dear michael,

i appreciate you!

and specifically this: "This generation of young adults, having endured so much, still has enough optimism and faith in the power of people to affect change that they’re willing to put their bodies at risk in service of a cause greater than themselves."

much love and thanks,


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Problem is these current protesters are optimistic that they can spread blood libel and wipe israel off the map. They are fucking nazis who think october 7 was a good start.

Fuck them and their toxic antisemitism

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It’s not anti semitic to be against genocide.

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I can't speak for all kids at all schools, but I have a kid protesting at Columbia. Said kid is Jew-ish (one J parent, didn't go to Hebrew school but identifies as Jewish) but the protest group has many Conservative Jews. They are baffled and distressed at how they are being misrepresented in the media. The awful signs/people (which are few and far between) are the ones being shown in the media and it's heartbreaking.

The kids are pro-peace. (Like, everybody STOP please.) They aren't anti-Israel and they aren't pro-Hamas, they are upset b/c the school has a lot of financial ties to Israeli interests and would like the school to divest. Just as they thought 10/7 was horrific and barbaric, they think indiscriminate bombing of civillians is equally immoral and would like it to stop.

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The kids, as I said, are alright.

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I think, like with most protests, they get commandeered by fanatical people with extreme ideologies. I have no doubt that most protesters and students simply support not killing innocent people. In fact, we have polls showing just that. Unfortunately, pro-Hamas people consumed all of the oxygen and the media loves that. I didn't support the January 6th protests (because they were based on complete lies), but I'm guessing most people didn't show up with the intention of desecrating the Capitol and killing police officers. The same can be said for the Black Lives Matter protests. 99% of those protests were peaceful. The same thing for the anti-Vietnam War protests. Most students did not support the Vietcong, they were simply tired of innocent Vietnamese and Americans being killed. The media is hell bent on showing us the worst people on both sides and, unfortunately, Americans love to draw conclusions without contextualizing anything.

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I don't know if all protesters feel that way. I think a lot of them are holding the experience of wanting peace for the Palestinian people as well peace for the people of Israel.

Absolutely, fuck antisemitism. And also fuck Islamophobia. And fuck war. Fuck the killing and suffering of innocent beings all over.

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This has the makings of an excellent commencement speech.

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Seeing where this country is going these days makes me concerned for my son and his future. I am generally optimistic for the most part but I know that my son does not yet know the world as I know it.

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