I agree with the overall thrust of this piece, especially with respect to the electoral college. I also think that commenters pointing out that a significant part of the inequity you're highlighting is due to Harris being 1. a woman and 2. a brown/black person. Truer words.

However, I have a hard time with how she's run her campaign as it regards the left flank of the democratic party. They seem to be demanding that the left give up its principles and fall in line, especially with respect to Gaza and wider war that Israel is hell-bent on dragging us into. They seem to be saying to the left that they can either vote for Harris or be responsible if she loses next month. They seem more interested in courting Haley voters and the mythical "moderate" republican than any kind of compromise with the left, such as it is.

I really don't think that's a winning campaign strategy, and I think it may cost Harris the election, especially if trump wins Michigan (which is a real possibility.)

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Where is the pendulum? How many years will it take to return to a baseline where political parties differ only in ideology? I think your assessment is absolutely correct, but it seems that speaking the truth carries no weight in terms of an outcome. Even with forums like this one, where likeminded people find refuge, it’s hard not to feel alone and helpless as this election unfolds. Wish I had a better ending to my comment.

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All of this is happening because white people will be a minority demographically in 20 years. Christians are also losing support and they are pissed. This terrifies them so much they are willing to abandon all principles or logic as long as Trump promises to deport enough brown people to stop all of this from happening.

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With the irony being that a significant portion of those brown folks are observant Christians.

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And the wealthiest Republicans are the ones who most believe that “every crumb given to those below them is a meal taken from their own plates.” Have you seen how many high income people haven’t even FILED tax returns, much less PAID their taxes?

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I would like to ask for more clarity on a few points if I may (without being argumentative, I hope, and without showing too much naivety)

"Harris has run a nearly flawless campaign"

I thought it was illegal to keep from the public the health conditions of the commander in chief? Did she and the press lie to the people about this?

"Do most Americans really support denying women healthcare?"

This one always troubles me. I presume its about abortion and Row v Wade. This is obviously very contentious with many supporting both sides.

My logic. Why is it wrong to take the debate out of the hands of Federal arm and put it where it belongs - closer to the people - in the states. If states are voting to restrict abortion isn't this then the expression of the will of the people? If people don't like it then campaign for what they want. To me this is democracy.

Not an expert but several scholars seem to think make this a Federal issue an overreach?



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"Harris has run a nearly flawless campaign" - I don't see how anybody could make the argument otherwise. In your attack on Biden, you're making a terrible assumption - that Biden is currently unfit to serve. Everything I have seen from him does not lead me to that conclusion. HOWEVER, that single debate performance certainly left me with the conclusion that he should not be given a second term because the "bad day" that he experienced during the debate is likely to become "bad days" as he gets into a second term. He is halting and fumbling, and that seems likely to get worse. If the debate performance was a preview of the second Biden administration, which I believe it was, I'm glad she got out. Now that's she's the nominee, is it your expectation that she should trash him?

Yes, her presidential campaign has been nearly flawless. As I said, no gaffes, no fumbles, no bad choices, no policy miscues, really nothing to point to as a mistake, an amazing achievement for somebody who had to become the candidate for president, essentially, overnight.

As for Roe v. Wade, for the first time in this nation, we've stripped a right away from a class of people. (I mean, I guess you could argue Prohibition did the same, but the magnitude of this is considerably greater.) Forgive me, but I don't see the logic of what you're saying. Why should women experience different methods of healthcare depending where they live? Why should a woman who needs a D&E receive one in Connecticut but not in Alabama? How does that make sense? You're essentially putting women's health in the hands of a governor or a state legislature instead of herself and her doctor. How does that makes sense?

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As many as more than 80 percent of Americans support a right to abortion, depending on the polling. So yeah, that's a slam dunk.

Biden's health is now moot. There's no evidence that anyone was lying. His cognitive decline was available for anyone to see.

Now, how about Trump's cognitive decline over the last decade, which is also available for everyone in the world to see. Are Republicans covering up and lying about Trump's health? That's rhetorical. We can all assess for ourselves.

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Her Jamaican father is a black man. Harris is American born.

For the rest, there's nowhere to go with any of your points.

Courageous to admit that you will vote for a rapist, a felon, a fraud, a deeply narcissistic liar, with disturbing cognitive decline, who has openly and repeatedly stated that all he wants the presidency for is to wreck vengeance on everyone for his every childish grievance.

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I was going to respond to this, but then realized you're not going to believe anything I say, but your first point is so incorrect that I wonder where you get your information from? Kamala was born in Oakland, CA. Oakland is in the United States.

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Every sentence is spot on! The mainstream media has not served us well, but that’s not even where the mega Trumpers get their misinformation from, all funded by anti-Democratic PACs , billionaires and authoritarian governments.

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It's about representation. The bottom line is, that guy talks the way his base talks. Whose members are often under- educated, nor eloquent, often crass, often uninformed, uninterested in facts, more drawn by showmanship and circus antics, the sensationalism the most compelling aspect of that entire media focus. Kinda like the drunken uncle monkey beating his chest at gathering around the tribal fire. They mistake entertainment for policy intent, but that's a common American malaise.

And Harris? She's Black. And she's a woman. Two major sociological psychosomatic hurdles for standard whiteboy Pax Americana.

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dear michael,

love this piece. thank you for sharing.

love these pieces of this piece particularly:

"I agree with the Trump people that the media favors Harris. But not for the reason they think. The media favors Trump for the attention he brings to them, but they favor Harris as human beings. Not because they’re necessarily biased, but because, objectively speaking, Harris is a better human being."

"A better human being is likely to make a better president. We’ve learned that lesson over and over again throughout our history."

"Do most Americans want to live in a meaner, more regressive nation? Do most Americans actually support the National Guard going door-to-door checking citizenship papers? Do most Americans really support denying women healthcare? Do they really support raising prices on the goods they purchase every day? Do most Americans want to turn their backs on the most vulnerable, including those affected by, say, natural disasters? Do they really want to see Putin being given a free hand in Europe? For all of my cynicism about my own countrymen, I don’t think they do."

"The Republican party has convinced the successful majority they are being oppressed by the struggling minority. Rather than argue that everybody benefits when the least of us benefit, they’ve convinced their supporters that every crumb given to those below them is a meal taken from their own plates. It’s a politics of profound resentment made against those who ought to be the most resentful. It’s disgusting, and it’s unfair to those who are asking for nothing more than a shot to live their lives with security and dignity."

thank you for your words, my friend.



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Well said. I read another substack this morning, which basically said that we want to say half the country is weird, but frankly, that just might be what our country is, at this point (thus half voting for a lunatic). People who don't believe that facts in front of them, but want to believe there's something more to everything -- the truth can't just be obvious. Like, "a cigar is never just a cigar! It's fronting for something much darker, and more malevolent, if you could just see past the actual cigar -- if it is a cigar in the first place, and not really a pickle!" Smarter people than I have probably figured out how we got here. But, here we are, where the guy slapping you in the face isn't as important as the scary figure lurking in the background...

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Fantastic essay.

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It has been thus for excellent women since time began.

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Was it Gloria Steinem who said if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament? If the electoral college favored Democrats it would have been eliminated long ago.

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Very well said. I feel like (and I am wholly unqualified to talk on this subject) that the GOP's focus is party above anything. This principal extends to the Christians who blindly clutch onto the false notion that the GOP is the party that will uphold what they've been told are God's values and so they will choose the GOP candidate above all as well. It is maddening and I feel like we, as a human race, broke the game with religion and I wish we could do a playthrough from the beginning with religion disabled.

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I think the problem is that the gap isn’t widening even as Trump no longer even pretends not to be a fascist. Racist public- and private-sector violence is actually what 43-45% of the country is into, and that’s a depressing thing to realize.

Also, your point about not complaining about the game while you’re in it is well taken, but as a former media member I reserve the right to be depressed at my former profession’s open, proud aversion to facts. Like, this is exactly why they exist and they’re actively mad at anyone who points that out.

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Very well said. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but even if Trump loses he's not going away.

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