You said everything I’ve been feeling. It’s tainted the entire experience of deja vu now, this return to “biliousness” (objective adjective perfection MIB!) and willful blindness.

I viscerally felt the end begin when in a TV news report circa 2000ish it was reported that young peoples aspirations had shifted from doctor or astronaut or President to merely ‘famous’ (‘rich’ was the runner up), for anything at all that took the least amount of effort. Internet famous, even! They’d by and large stopped creating specific goals, stopped studying towards a meaningful and maybe prosperous end, almost en masse. Being an internet superstar was everything.

The politicians began their campaign to remake America back during the Reagan era and the voting public via their children acquiesced when being famous became the goal for an entire generation who now, in their 40’s and 50’s, find themselves unmoored and unfulfilled and sadly for them, un-famous, as well. There are exceptions to this of course but my point is that’s beginning of when I knew we were doomed. It’s just one facet of the problems for Democracy at the moment but I truly believe this disconnection was of the larger ones, and timed so perfectly, too.

Bad. So bad.

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Satire and mockery are weapons too.. and we need them more than ever now.

Random off-topic

For unknown reasons, for decades, I mistook you for one of the many talented wonderful Canadian comedian/ actor/ writers working in the US. "Mistook" references the Canadian part, of course, since you actually are as US American as you appear, just like the TMNT.

Glad to claim shared citizenship, although I adore (many) Canadians & Mexicans too, along with many more whose long friendship is also being poorly returned right now. Hope some will recall that those with official titles do not necessarily represent all the people

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I do read all your articles about Trump 2.0 and shake my head that the greatest democracy in the world is becoming a dictatorship.

Here in Australia I must say that I am thankful for our Westminster government system. A megalomaniac would not survive the first week in office!

My thoughts are with all Americans and the world right now.

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The constant din of outright lies to create fear has no rational alternative. The turning point was when trusted news sources went behind pay-walls and Americans turned to AM radio shock hosts for their information.

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“As long as there are white people with cable TV and an internet connection, we’re condemned to not only repeat history, but worsen it.”

Well said. Sadly true, but well said.

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Whenever I start feeling down about the current Drumpf situation, I just tell myself, "Hey! At least we have avian influenza on the horizon!"

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As each new fresh hell is reported, my attitude increasingly is that America deserves it. There is a rot in this country, as much as it pains me to admit it. A rot so deep that I think it will destroy us. Maybe America is not worth saving. There are little patches of goodness and truth, but half of voters voted against freedom and democracy and an even bigger segment couldn’t even be bothered to vote at all.

I don’t think there are enough caring people in America to save it.

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I have been cycling through exhaustion, depression, and rage since 11/5, with all of those feelings amplified 1000% since 1/20. I have started taking one day a week to tune out the news and social media, indulge myself, read a good book, walk on the beach, and/or be in community. It really helps.

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The most tremendous bigly bad, everyone's talking about how big the bad is.

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What makes me really feel bad is that if he goes away, either by arteries slamming shut or JD et al 25th amendmenting him, is that JD is way smarter and likely even more adept at enacting Project 2025's playbook.

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I’m consumed with rage that these little bastards get to tear everything to shreds, expect to get paid by taxpayers and remain unchecked.

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Go on with your torporous self! A person of good character could not feel another way in face of our enemy's malevolent actions. Your humor is a boon to your friends.

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True madness would be to sit at their table and pretend like everything is business as usual. Burn their table and smash their chairs.

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“we’re condemned to not only repeat history, but worsen it”… then erase it and start all over.

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All that I can say right now is ditto.

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I'm a Canadian who has lived in the UK for 18 years, and I also feel bad. Bad, sick, angry, disgusted, revolted, hopeless, helpless, resentful and feeling pure hatred much of the time. I canNOT fathom how you as an American feel. I know you're a fellow depression-struggler, so I hope writing it out is helping you. The brief trips abroad must be helpful. Things are bad, but it's not all merde.

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It’s sad because it’s true.

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