For over 50 years, I, a Canadian, have traveled to all edges of the lower 48 as well as the flyover bit, both for business & pleasure. I am always, ALWAYS, struck by the racism demonstrated almost universally by white citizens. It is deep rooted, pervasive and perverted.
Canadians are not immune to this disorder of course, but the US has truly refined it to an insidious edge.
Like the sun coming up, or road kill, so many US inhabitants seem to accept racism as part of the ether and the natural order.
That otherwise reasonably intelligent people would continue to indoctrinate & radicalized generation after generation makes me weep for humanity.
My tiny hope is that the uber-racist in chief and his even more racist South African henchman might finally help middle America realize it's all a scam to keep the rich in power.
Thank you as always, Michael. We may indeed be leading to the conditions that led to the French Revolution. That would be a much preferable alternative to the direction I see us heading, which more closely follows the script that led to WWII. When a large part of the population feels very much empowered and in agreement with the visions of their egomaniacal autocratic rulers, you don’t get revolutions. You get reichs.
Jefferson advocated for a constitutional convention once a generation (@25 years).
I think national service is a great idea, as well, for many reasons, but particularly because it throws "us" and "them" together at an age when they might realize we are all we.
Baskets was a great show-as was Ed.
I think Bored to Death might be my all time favorite (although I'm sure it suffered for your absence).
Yeah. It's all about racism, in fact. Tribal patriarchal fear of that which is different from us, rendered into collection and hoarding of resources. We Anglo Saxon Germanic tribes have been doggin' ourselves with this BS since time immemorial. So primodial. :(
I would love to replant the seeds of democracy in our populace, but so few of us even understand what a democracy is supposed to look like anymore. Partially because of our own apathy and partially because of deliberate and systemic attempts to keep that knowledge from us.
An analysis that feels sad but true. Were these feelings buried deep in the American psyche all along, or are they newly crafted and promoted by the MAGA elites? Why has MAGA exploded in popularity? People I know who identified as sensible conservatives and Republicans are now flying Trump flags outside their homes. When I was a kid, Nazis were considered a cancer on the world. They were the worst thing imaginable. Today, I'm detecting the stance has shifted to something more akin to "Sure, Hitler was terrible, but ... " What happened to this country?
To answer your question @Bob in Boston, “what is happening to our country?”, I offer two examples. My first inkling of the racism and misogyny that existed just a scratch under the veneer of our respectability occurred when my mom, a progressive social worker who specialized in fair housing issues, took me along to meet her fabulously wealthy, self-made uncle. In the midst of him interrogating me, he suddenly offered his opinion of the ills afflicting our society in the 1970’s, and I quote, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong with this country: n#%^*s, Jews, and liberated women!”
I sat in stunned silence as he expounded on his remarks, conspiratorially allowing me (with a knowing nod and a wink) a peek behind the Curtain of Truth. When I naively recounted this to my dad, an investment banker, he nodded and told me why he was a member of the John Birch Society, reasons mirroring his uncle-in-law.
These successful, white businessmen contributed to conservative political causes who shared their grievances with their philosophical ilk; however, their views were not shared overtly, they masked their abhorrent views from public scrutiny. When Newt Gingrich started his revolution, I immediately thought of my older relatives and Ronald Reagan’s dog whistle “Welfare Queens.” Whence this toxic, spawn-of-Satan brew sprang the Tea Party, Trump, and MAGA, their direct and natural offspring.
We indeed live in a perilous time fraught with fear and loathing and the very real spector of organized domestic violence and the subjugation of our Constitution to a narcissistic felon, whom my late father probably would characterize as “just to the left of Lenin.” Yay, my family members were some of the OG that fomented this awfulness. I’m verklempt.
"Whom" is correct in this usage as it's the object of "they felt." Michael, I wish you'd run for office. Your knowledge and deep understanding of government and human nature is so impressive, and your honesty and goodness is what we all need. (Now is the time!)
For real, he’d be great. Also bc he’s not drawn to it. The one’s drawn to it tend to be the ones that should be kept far away from any sources of power.
"Back then, I didn’t understand the deep hatred that a preponderance of white America has for those they deem unworthy." That sentence took my breath away. And not in a good way. I had to stop and read it again. It's an ugliness that my optimism (and moral/ethical core) wanted to deny. But I guess we can't anymore.
I miss Baskets. I miss Christine Baskets. I miss Louis Anderson.
No one in the universe could have played Christine Baskets better.
For over 50 years, I, a Canadian, have traveled to all edges of the lower 48 as well as the flyover bit, both for business & pleasure. I am always, ALWAYS, struck by the racism demonstrated almost universally by white citizens. It is deep rooted, pervasive and perverted.
Canadians are not immune to this disorder of course, but the US has truly refined it to an insidious edge.
Like the sun coming up, or road kill, so many US inhabitants seem to accept racism as part of the ether and the natural order.
That otherwise reasonably intelligent people would continue to indoctrinate & radicalized generation after generation makes me weep for humanity.
My tiny hope is that the uber-racist in chief and his even more racist South African henchman might finally help middle America realize it's all a scam to keep the rich in power.
Thank you as always, Michael. We may indeed be leading to the conditions that led to the French Revolution. That would be a much preferable alternative to the direction I see us heading, which more closely follows the script that led to WWII. When a large part of the population feels very much empowered and in agreement with the visions of their egomaniacal autocratic rulers, you don’t get revolutions. You get reichs.
The illustration filled me with joy!
Jefferson advocated for a constitutional convention once a generation (@25 years).
I think national service is a great idea, as well, for many reasons, but particularly because it throws "us" and "them" together at an age when they might realize we are all we.
Baskets was a great show-as was Ed.
I think Bored to Death might be my all time favorite (although I'm sure it suffered for your absence).
Baskets really was a great show.
Yeah. It's all about racism, in fact. Tribal patriarchal fear of that which is different from us, rendered into collection and hoarding of resources. We Anglo Saxon Germanic tribes have been doggin' ourselves with this BS since time immemorial. So primodial. :(
FYI, it's "who" in this case since it's the subject of the clause. Sorry, I love grammar.
Is it really? I'm so embarrassed. 🫣
I would love to replant the seeds of democracy in our populace, but so few of us even understand what a democracy is supposed to look like anymore. Partially because of our own apathy and partially because of deliberate and systemic attempts to keep that knowledge from us.
An analysis that feels sad but true. Were these feelings buried deep in the American psyche all along, or are they newly crafted and promoted by the MAGA elites? Why has MAGA exploded in popularity? People I know who identified as sensible conservatives and Republicans are now flying Trump flags outside their homes. When I was a kid, Nazis were considered a cancer on the world. They were the worst thing imaginable. Today, I'm detecting the stance has shifted to something more akin to "Sure, Hitler was terrible, but ... " What happened to this country?
To answer your question @Bob in Boston, “what is happening to our country?”, I offer two examples. My first inkling of the racism and misogyny that existed just a scratch under the veneer of our respectability occurred when my mom, a progressive social worker who specialized in fair housing issues, took me along to meet her fabulously wealthy, self-made uncle. In the midst of him interrogating me, he suddenly offered his opinion of the ills afflicting our society in the 1970’s, and I quote, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong with this country: n#%^*s, Jews, and liberated women!”
I sat in stunned silence as he expounded on his remarks, conspiratorially allowing me (with a knowing nod and a wink) a peek behind the Curtain of Truth. When I naively recounted this to my dad, an investment banker, he nodded and told me why he was a member of the John Birch Society, reasons mirroring his uncle-in-law.
These successful, white businessmen contributed to conservative political causes who shared their grievances with their philosophical ilk; however, their views were not shared overtly, they masked their abhorrent views from public scrutiny. When Newt Gingrich started his revolution, I immediately thought of my older relatives and Ronald Reagan’s dog whistle “Welfare Queens.” Whence this toxic, spawn-of-Satan brew sprang the Tea Party, Trump, and MAGA, their direct and natural offspring.
We indeed live in a perilous time fraught with fear and loathing and the very real spector of organized domestic violence and the subjugation of our Constitution to a narcissistic felon, whom my late father probably would characterize as “just to the left of Lenin.” Yay, my family members were some of the OG that fomented this awfulness. I’m verklempt.
"Whom" is correct in this usage as it's the object of "they felt." Michael, I wish you'd run for office. Your knowledge and deep understanding of government and human nature is so impressive, and your honesty and goodness is what we all need. (Now is the time!)
Michael, please ignore the first sentence of my comment. @deboramasterson1 is the true grammarian here. I'm but a pretender 🥴
I don't know whom to believe.
For real, he’d be great. Also bc he’s not drawn to it. The one’s drawn to it tend to be the ones that should be kept far away from any sources of power.
The only way I would ever become a public servant is if: I didn't have to campaign or raise money or show up at parades.
"Back then, I didn’t understand the deep hatred that a preponderance of white America has for those they deem unworthy." That sentence took my breath away. And not in a good way. I had to stop and read it again. It's an ugliness that my optimism (and moral/ethical core) wanted to deny. But I guess we can't anymore.