I never had a Twitter account despite people telling me I “needed one”. Thank you for contributing to the body of generalizable evidence that I still don’t need a Twitter account.

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You really should get a Twitter account.

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You are so GOT damn talented dude

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I joined Twitter in 2011 but didn't really use it til 2014, with Ferguson, when I noted how nothing about it was being reported here in Canada and to me it seemed maybe important. I left Twitter about 2 weeks ago, after Tucker Carlson was given his show by Elon. I wouldn't go on Fox News to use a message board, no matter how nice or funny some people might be. So that was the straw. I had thought I would go to Bluesky when it goes public but two weeks of less social media, well not transformative, has been nicer at least.

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My days on Twitter are numbered after over 12 years. It bums me out! You articulated how I feel about it really well.

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My feelings about Twitter are similar, though I find it's still the best place for connecting with educators (and where educators connect with me when they share about kids reading my/our books). Like you, however, I've noticed an increasing number of spam bots. I had hopes for Post.news but was disappointed.

I am still waiting for my code for Bluesky so I can check it out. Not optimistic.

Substack is my happy place these days. I like the opportunity for more thoughtful posts and discussions. I'm using Inoreader to help me keep my Substack feeds organized since it doesn't have private/public lists like Twitter does.

Very happy to find you here. As you already know, I am a huge fan of your longform writing as much as your shortform.

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For I have known them all already, known them all:

Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,

I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;

I know the voices dying with a dying fall

Beneath the music from a farther room.

So how should I presume?

(Eliot’s “Prufrock”)

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As yes, that scamp Eliot.

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You beat me to it, Dan.

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Perfect couple of lines to describe this: “I know the voices dying with a dying fall / Beneath the music from a farther room.”

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Twitter still shines for the communal wake. One of its best innovations - the real time mourning for shared childhood heroes. Signed back in last week for Tina Turner and am still signed in. Ironically that's how I am apparently the first person to see your substack post.

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