I LOVE bowling 🎳 and absolutely LOVED you in Ed Will the series ever come out on DVD or is the music copyright or whatever you call it still holding that up? Also loved you in Michael and Michael Have Issues. You are an amazing actor as well as a talented writer. And no, I wasn't paid for this endorsement whatsoever. Keep up the good work!

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A cautionary tale: for some reason (?), years ago I took my children bowling and drama ensued. Eight year old son had his hand resting at the place where the bowling ball returns. Broken fingers, blood, pain, and Emergency Room. It was his first sports injury, and he milked it for days. So a good time was sort of had by all.

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Over the line! Mark it zero.

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Have you ever read Bowlaway by Elizabeth McCracken? I have to believe there are not too many other novels as bowling-centric as this one, and extra bonus, she's a fine writer.

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I have not!

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I love bowling, although it’s been at least twenty years since I last bowled. It’s also a connection to my late father.

Somehow right now I have this image of you and Thomas slow bowling as Barry and Levon — awww yeah.

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I've probably bowled less than 20 times in my life which is remarkable because one of my best friend's family owned a bowling alley when I was in my 20s. I certainly hung out there a lot but rarely bowled. What I'm really trying to say is that if I ever bowled a 160 I'd be strutting around like the pope of chili town. Good job pops.

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Fun article!

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Bowling is great! I hesitantly joined a league with some old friends a year ago and have gotten into it. I still suck. 160 is a solid score, good job.

FYI, even bowling is getting screwed by private equity which is why it is overpriced. https://jacobin.com/2024/05/private-equity-bowlero-ruining-bowling

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Have you tried duckpin bowling?!?

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At the risk of exposing myself as someone who consistently never gets the joke, and as someone who has been married to a lifelong dairy farmer for 43 years, everyone does know that cow tipping is not a thing right? Not once did anyone anywhere ever “tip a cow” unless it had 3 broken legs or was near death at the time.

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Please don't spoil my understanding of cow tipping as a treasured American activity.

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Sorrrrryyy! 😊

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I always thought cow tipping was akin to going “snipe hunting”.

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Maybe, but snipe are real and people really do hunt them, although I’ve never understood why. They’re amazing birds alive, and there’s not much meat there either!

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Yes, they’re very cool birds, a lot like a woodcock. We hear them all around every night each spring when the males do their mating ritual which consists, in part, of them flying high in the sky during which the air passing through their wing feathers makes a strange whistling “ whoop whoop whoop” sound. It’s called winnowing.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

I did not know a snipe was a real bird. Born and raised in Texas, you’d tell folks you were going snipe hunting if you were going out partying, or if you were going parking with a gal and your friends asked what y’all did, you’d say we went snipe hunting.

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I got worried for a minute there that you weren’t going to mention “Ed” 😅. 🎳❤️

Bowling is one of the few things that I can have fun doing while also being terrible at it.🤷🏻‍♀️

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Shitty pizza and shittier beer are essential to consistently shitty bowling scores. I should know...I own a bowling shirt.

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That sounds like something The Great Lebowski would’ve said!

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I’ve always been a horrible bowler. Practice makes me worse. But the best part of bowling, or roller skating at a rink, is that you get to wear shoes/skates that countless numbers of people have previously worn, with your socks being the only barrier to their prior inhabitation of the shoes/skates.

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It sucks getting old, doesn’t it? 😂😂😂 the many things that cause soreness and cramping for days afterwards. When your the age of our kids, they do all that stuff and go on with their lives. At our age, you sneeze wrong & wind up in traction for a couple days

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Getting old is hell but it’s far better than the alternative, as the late Houston newsman Marvin Zindler used to often say.

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