You nailed it Michael. I just lost my home and my studio in beautiful Altadena, a community I love because it's not like the rest of LA. It began with hellish winds howling in the morning, and within 24 hours this rustic little racially integrated mountain town - our Brooklyn meets Burlington oasis - was turned into Hiroshima with a lot less death. That's the bright side - it's all just lost material apart from the relatively small human toll. They say you can't take it with you, so I figure I just got a little head start. This is my story: https://www.newsweek.com/filmmaker-tom-stern-recounts-losing-home-eaton-fire-just-gone

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Awful. So sorry for your loss, but grateful that you seem to be handling it as well as possible. Stay safe.

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Glad to hear your daughter is not in LA.

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"Blue State" disasters will be used to accelerate Conservative dis-information while, simultaneously, federal aid will be held upon political concessions (*see Ukraine). "God" will be used to justify their inaction. The media will allow every citizen to be Nero.

Our world is poison and ash, our inheritance to our children.

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Until these disasters start hurting the billionaires bottom lines nothing will change, sadly. No politician will touch it until they say they can. Think we are still a ways off from that unfortunately. Its true Conservatives are generally incapable of admitting when they are wrong to the point of absurdity, but this is a societal level issue at this point and its sadly just the beginning. People cannot afford to rebuild, we will have millions of dead or homeless before too long as all weather disasters intensify in frequency and strength. Wont be long till here on the east coast a hurricane sinks Miami into the ocean.

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That was delightful, used to love Cake, hadn't heard them in a while.

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“Pasty chucklehead”! You paint pictures with your words!

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Eloquently written apocalypse prologue, Michael. The best parts of me hope that these days are the smoke-clouded dark before the dawn, but it can be hard to be hopeful. A friend who lives in Big Bear was on a local Facebook group, as were others, offering her home as shelter to people displaced by the fires, and the group admin was removing the posts offering refuge. Whether out of NIMBYism, misplaced partisanism, or sheer spite, I don’t know, but I reel at the inhumanity.

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They had to have a global war first to make the Star Trek utopia. My only hope now is that when our civilization collapses something better rises from the ashes.

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If any city is capable of pushing back with its own propaganda machine against all the bullshit that Trump and his new “Republican” party represent, it’s LA.

Logic and humanism and rationalism have failed to keep this bloated, stupid, authoritarian orange monster at bay. But people love movies and TV shows and exposés… time for Hollywood to fight fire with fire (pardon the tragic pun).

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This!! All of this!! Thank you MIB!

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That man is a monster.

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If I was a religious man, I'd be hard pressed to not see all of this as proof that he is the antichrist sent to punish us all for our sins.

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Having to explain to my mom, who knows good god damn well what Santa Anna winds are, that it is not Gavin's fault, because she just watched Fox News and got riled up. Fun fucking times.

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LA seems to be one of those places that sparks extreme emotion. I have roots there and I love it. The timing of this with as you so aptly called him the arsonist in chief coming into power couldn’t be worse for LA or for the world.

My heart is broken for all that is lost and all the losses to come. 💔

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I remember visiting a supplier that made fittings for all kinds of end users. And they straight up told us that no matter what, when the oil guys came calling (and waving cash), they jumped to the front of the line. And, to be clear, I was working in the Defense sector. For a company you’ve heard of. We all had to bow. This isn’t a metaphor for the end of the world, I think it’s a metonym? I will be pondering the difference as I burn/drown/starve.

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