I always go back and forth with the supernatural (even if I myself have had 'experiences). I just don't know if it's our brains or the other dimension. Either way, I need to create my own podcast.

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I read somewhere not too long ago that scientists have proven that ESP is a real, not-very-understood, phenomenon. As for communicating with the dead, I don’t know. It seems crazy. That said, I have seen/heard things that seem inexplicable. Just because there are a lot of charlatans doesn’t mean that something is empirically impossible. The only thing I know is that there’s a TON that we don’t know. This world is far stranger than we can imagine.

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That’s the crux of it eh--that the more you learn, often the less sense there is? Kind of a glorious mess, more welcoming the more we’re able to not need sense.

Great post! Glad to learn about these particular convos from the beyond.

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I believe too! I called my grandfather on his deathbed, even though he had disowned me for marrying a black man, and his final words to me were "go jump in a lake." He died shortly after, a few days before Christmas, and my Christmas tree was knocked over mysteriously. I think he did it! I also believe there are time reflections, like the way light and sound reflect, and some people are more sensitive to them than others-as far as earthly psychic activity goes. My daughter and I get little glimpses of the future from time to time. Fun to think about!

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Seems weird to me that folks were all upset that they used Peter Cushing’s digital likeness in Rogue One because he is dead and cannot consent, and yet people seem to have no problem with charlatans like these making a show lying about having Elvis on as a guest.

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Honestly this is so much worse because they are actually putting words in Elvis’ mouth. Digital Cushing was just playing a role.

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This is fantastic and I think, for the very first time, someone has told me about a podcast that I'll actually look up, because OMG, the third co-host is dead. I wish I was smart enough to have come up with that as a joke, but I am smart enough to know that is pure gold. Also, in addition to thinking this is hilarious I wouldn't exactly bet against it.

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The podcast recommendation here is incredible. I'm going to give it a try. I will either enjoy it genuinely or ironically. It sounds like a can't miss kind of thing. On the topic of physics, I grew up with a mom who has a mental health disorder. She believed she was psychic and I was raised to believe that I had innate psychic powers as well. I learned as I grew older that my mom was using her perceived gifts as a means to manipulate me. That, and many other textbook personality disorder behaviors.

All throughout middle school, I would do my homework after school in the cafeteria of this little strip mall in Tacoma, WA where my mom was a professional tarot card reader. I grew up as what the kids in my elementary school would call a "satanic home." Far from it.

The point of this exhaustingly long comment is that my relationship with my mom and how she used pretend psychicness in my life turned me away from ALL of the "metaphysical" stuff for decades. It seems now that the science of the very tiny things in the universe point to stuff that makes it all seem pretty possible. So I think I went so far in the other direction that it brought me back here anyway. I've been opening up more lately to it all.

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Right? It's weird that the science is catching up with the anti-science

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Please tell us what other podcasts you listen to! I'm guessing that most of us here share at least some of the same interests as you.

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If you send me real American dollars, I will talk to whomever you want on the other side.

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I’m going to go with “it’s all a lot of hooey” but that’s at least partly because I like having an excuse to say hooey.

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Adding this podcast to my queue...

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Yes to all of it, here and beyond

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