I take your points here, but there were a lot of remarkable trump statements (and I mean remarkable even for him) that we're just now starting to hear about. In my case, it's mostly from blogs like this rather than prestige media. I think that counts as a failing.
Also there's a reason why outfits like Media Matters exist - to point out t…
I take your points here, but there were a lot of remarkable trump statements (and I mean remarkable even for him) that we're just now starting to hear about. In my case, it's mostly from blogs like this rather than prestige media. I think that counts as a failing.
Also there's a reason why outfits like Media Matters exist - to point out that the way media frames the news and what (and how much) they choose to cover can have a significant impact on narratives, etc. As an example, think about all the stories recently about how a statistical majority of Americans, according to recent polls, think crime has increased/is increasing, despite the opposite being true. A lot of the media framing seems to come from a place of befuddlement. This is deeply frustrating because the media was driving a lot of the concern about crime in the first place, like with stories about "organized retail theft," for example.
I take your points here, but there were a lot of remarkable trump statements (and I mean remarkable even for him) that we're just now starting to hear about. In my case, it's mostly from blogs like this rather than prestige media. I think that counts as a failing.
Also there's a reason why outfits like Media Matters exist - to point out that the way media frames the news and what (and how much) they choose to cover can have a significant impact on narratives, etc. As an example, think about all the stories recently about how a statistical majority of Americans, according to recent polls, think crime has increased/is increasing, despite the opposite being true. A lot of the media framing seems to come from a place of befuddlement. This is deeply frustrating because the media was driving a lot of the concern about crime in the first place, like with stories about "organized retail theft," for example.