“George Soros hates humanity.”
That’s the tweet we got from Elon Musk yesterday, after comparing actual holocaust survivor Soros to fictional holocaust survivor Magneto, the X-Men villain who regularly wreaks havoc on lesser humans through his mutant ability to control the electromagnetic field. Not sure what motivated the original tweet from Musk, but he also said that Soros “wants to erode the very fabric of civilization.” A little more on that part later.
More cynical people than myself might think that Musk is splashing around in the same antisemitic waters as Donald Trump, his shithead son Donald Trump Jr., noted weirdo Roseanne Barr, Jewish space laser enthusiast Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rudy (“George Soros is the antichrist”) Giuliani, pufferfish Steve Bannon, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban who thrilled his nationalist supporters with this quote about Soros in 2018:
“We are fighting an enemy that is different from us. Not open, but hiding; not straightforward but crafty; not honest but base; not national but international; does not believe in working but speculates with money; does not have its own homeland but feels it owns the whole world.”
An enemy that is “different” from us? Crafty, base, international, and speculates with money… It’s like a hit parade of Nazi tropes. I mean, he didn’t use the word “vermin,” but he might as well have.
All of this got me thinking - why do people hate George Soros so much? It can’t just be because he’s Jewish. The rightwing doesn’t hate all Jews, after all. I mean, they never get tired of telling us that Ivanka and Jared are Jewish, right? So what is it about Soros?
Don’t get me wrong - as a general rule, I don’t have a problem with hating billionaires. My sense is you don’t get to be a billionaire without being at least a little bit of a sociopath. And yes, I’m looking at you Rihanna.
But of all the billionaires out there, why does so much of their ire focus on Soros? Is it really because he’s Jewish? Or is it because his philanthropic organization, The Open Society Foundation, funds causes that the Right hates?
What are those causes? According to the Open Society Foundation’s website: Education, climate justice, equity, “robust and independent journalism,” free expression, and “access to the rule of law based in human rights.”
Click on any of those links and you’ll get detailed information about organizations Open Society supports. Groups like Rappler, an independent Filipino news organization founded by Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Rasa, whose reporters have recently won honors from the US National Arts and Journalism Awards and the Global Media Excellence Awards.
If you know somebody’s character by the enemies they make, Rappler was ordered shut down by Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte’s government. Duterte, you’ll remember, famously created the Davao Death Squad, which killed thousands during Duterte’s time in office.
Now I’m not stupid. Of course Soros’s website isn’t going to admit to the nefarious schemes he’s got going on, like funding the global child-trafficking conspiracy so that elites can drink the blood of babies in order to harvest adrenochrome, a antisemtic conspiracy theory which has its roots in the Dark Ages.
But even if you don’t believe that, is the Open Society Foundation funding, as infinite Twitter/4Chan/Reddit users claim, antifa? Is he paying migrants to “invade” America? Is Soros, as Tucker Carlson claims, “waging a kind of war - political, social, and demographic war - on the West?”
No, no, and no.
But notice the terminology Carlson uses: a “social” war, a “demographic” war. What does that mean? What is a social war? Is it like the dance-off in the “Bad” video? And what is a “demographic” war? That one, at least, we have a little more clarity on. Carlson means the Great Replacement Theory, which theorizes that Democrats are attempting to replace white people with, well, non-white people, for reasons that are unclear to me, but have something to do with… actually I have no idea what they have to do with other than making Whitey very, very nervous.
(As an aside, I used to have a joke in my act that goes, “White people are going to become the minority in this country in a few decades. That’s scary. What’s going to happen? Is the food going to get spicier. It’s already pretty spicy, you guys.” Always got a pretty good laugh.)
And, of course, at the head of this Great Replacement, is the Jew from Hungary, the puppet master, Soros, pulling the strings for unclear but menacing ends, echoing language from all antisemitic groups, who have forever used Jews as convenient scapegoats for their own failings.
But what has Soros actually done that would lead Musk to conclude that he “hates” humanity? I mean, aside from selling all of his shares in Tesla a couple weeks ago. Well, if you believe his tweet, he wants to “erode the very fabric of civilization.” Where else have we heard language like that? Oh yeah, the guy that Elon is apparently giving a nightly show to on Twitter.
Does any of this matter or is it just mud thrown from one billionaire to another? In 2018, a Trump-obsessed Floridian (of course he was a Floridian) named Cesar Sayoc was arrested for mailing over a dozen bombs to Democrats including Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton and one bomb to a Hungarian immigrant named George Soros.
From a BBC article detailing the case:
"Everything for him was a conspiracy theory, everything. George Soros was the one behind everything, he was the one buying the whole Democratic Party, he was the epicentre of what is going wrong in the United States of America."
Sayoc's social media revealed more. On the day the pipe bomb was discovered at George Soros's house, Sayoc reposted a meme claiming, "The world is waking up to the horrors of George Soros."
Now, do I think Musk is being deliberately antisemitic? You bet your ass I do. His whole entire, increasingly authoritarian ass. That being said, The Right doesn’t hate Soros because he’s Jewish. They hate him because he stands for what they oppose. The fact that he’s Jewish just makes is so much easier for them to hate. Fuck ‘em. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a vial of adrenochrome to drink.
Yes a billionaire who uses money to influence DA races around the country and push his batshit ideology. What’s not to like. Oh and he was a traitor to jewish people during WW2 turning them over to the Nazis. I lost a brain reading this drivel
Can’t have the fear without the loathing.