I'd take Biden's ability as a President over your ability to discuss politics.

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So I guess I shouldn't be surprised about this given the subject matter and the passion have on this topic, but insulting me or insulting somebody else's comments will get you blocked from commenting. Not because I can't take insults, but because I want this place to be respectful, so I ask, you respectfully, to please limit the insults.

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President Biden has done an excellent job, so it’s not like I’m comparing you to something bad. Also, I wouldn’t say it’s an insult as much as a reaction to your last three posts that are likely over-reacting to an early debate that on its own, meant little. The reactions are more damaging than the debate.

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Michael, I am sorry…I love you going back to The State and Wet Hot American Summer and I Am A Wonderful Man. I think you are a welcome voice of hilarious reason on most current events. I very much agreed with you when you said Joe lost his job after the last debate, but if you don’t understand that a woman cannot beat Trump in our uber cis male dominant voter culture we have now (especially among Republicans) I don’t know how you are thinking this way. All the left-leaning folks will vote against (meaning third party or simply not voting at all which is far more common on the left than the right; there is a belief among many liberals that the ship of American society will just right itself, when we have seen that to be far from the case in recent years) whomever acted with Israel or the media/Koch Brothers-funded right wing activists will skewer any woman. Even with the massive impetus to protect women’s reproductive rights and LGBTQIA+ rights, I think most Americans feel they do not know Kamala Harris and see her as a weak link. The only person I can see handily beating Trump is Mark Cuban or maybe another White Anglo male. Your scenario is inspiring but I don’t think you can rely on polls for anything anymore. And let’s face it, American fucking hates women. I wish it weren’t true.

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We need the Dem governors and young Senators and rising House members to stay right where they are, doing what they're doing to serve and protect our country. This piece by Marcy Wheeler (aka EmptyWheel, https://www.emptywheel.net/2024/07/01/dont-let-a-biden-succession-crisis-create-a-succession-crisis/) points out the serious political vulnerability of not having a sitting VP when Trump and (3rd in line to the presidency!) Mike Johnson and their judges and media shills and well armed brownshirts try to retake the country by any means possible.

Nothing is as simple as it sounds to the tune of a clacking keyboard, and literally no one is or will be better positioned to beat Trump AND hold the country together when he and his MAGA goons come for our democracy a second time, than President Biden and VP Harris.

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You Privileged Tone Deaf Motherfuckers!

For fuck sake DIMS, pivot your campaign focus from wasting time on replacing Biden and focusing like nerds on his record.


Focus on your new battle campaign strategy book the GOP wrote for you. It’s called Project 2025. Hire more former GOP members as interpreters (like Stuart Stevens and Tim Miller) instead of wasting time hiring super delegates.

Enable more voters (especially undecideds) to see how repulsive fascism is and why they should vote against tRump in language that’s relatable.

Example: “When your loved one is septic and dying from a coat hanger abortion, you won’t give a fuck about Biden’s age, but you’ll remember the Republican Party chose the fucking hanger! Right? Who you gonna vote against again?

That’s how you win an election. That’s how a team and party becomes “electable.”

Vote Blue

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You used Harris and 'competent' in the same sentence.


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Love this! It's a great plan. I guess there's a chance.

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2 problems-- Well, maybe more than two, but let's start there.

1) This country is still woefully racist and misogynistic. Oh, we may lie to ourselves and say we're not, but Hillary Clinton surely taught us that we ARE.

2) The Heritage Foundation and their evil henchmen are already working in battleground states to ensure that no late change-up will be allowed on the ballot.


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The most effective moment taking down Trump was Obama’s lacerating disembowelment years ago. Joe simply isn’t up for strategy changes and remains fossilized in an era long since past. Not able enough to…but a Facebook page “Thanks, but go, Joe” might break through.

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Kamala is a cop, but I would violate my own "don't vote for cops" principle to stop trump, especially if it puts Whitmer close to the White House (she and the legislature have done a lot of good for Michigan.)

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Harris is brilliant. Of that, I have no doubt. And she would do a good job. But...her speeches are flat. I only hear words, blah, blah, and blah. She cannot capture a crowd. She has zero charisma. Whitmire and Newsome sound good. Frankly, I will vote for the Democrat no matter who it is. I have to trust regardless of who runs. The person will have seasoned government-savvy middle-aged people around to help navigate the immense complexities of the position. I must believe that because Trump would be so dangerous and evil I couldn't sleep. No competent person wants to work for that foolish jackass toddler.

Just vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. I live in a gerrymandered red district, so my vote on the down-ballot won't count. I will vote unless I die before early voting. That's a promise I make to America.

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Down ballot races are going to be very key this year.

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As someone who lived in San Francisco during the political birth and rise of both Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom, I can’t tell you how many attorneys and city politicians I knew that vehemently disliked her (except for Willy Brown). She polled at 1% before dropping out in 2020 (Thanks Tulsi!)… proof that the democrat party wanted nothing to do with her. I can’t think of a better candidate to further increase Trump’s chance of winning.

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What were the complaints about her?

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Exceptionally arrogant and snide. If you do any superficial research on her of late you will find stories of high staff turnover. People simply do not like her. The two below are from 2021 and 2022 and I think it’s only gotten worse.



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Same for Newsom. He admitted to sleeping with his best friend and campaign manager’s wife in his mayoral office. Watch this video and tell me you don’t see a soulless snake.


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Again the calculus is: change and risk losing, continue and risk winning.

But wow that's a fantasy that would win almost every Gen Z and Millennial not to mention a grand swath of Progressives and few pissed off conservative women (no MAGA's, there locked).

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Things went so well when the Democrats ran a much more experienced female candidate. I can’t possibly see anything going wrong with this plan.

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Both parties have run dozens of candidates for president. Of those, only one has been female so I don't think your sample size is too small to be especially meaningful. Yes, she lost but so did dozens of men who have been nominated. Moreover, she won the popular vote. She also set the table for the next female nominee to come along.

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When she ran, a male patient literally patted me on the hand and said, “We’re just not ready for a woman President “. This was in the Deep South, but he was a Democrat. It was one of the most condescending and eye opening comments ever made to me. I have 0% faith in southern democrat males to vote for a woman any time in the near future. I would love Harris as President. It makes sense for her to take over. However, Trump would win. I think we need a Biden resurgence in the next debate and if that doesn’t happen, well, I’m literally terrified for the future of our country.

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"we need a Biden resurgence in the next debate"

LOL. The delusion is simply off the charts.

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You could be right. The main difference is that there isn’t a large group of white male Bernie Bros who refused to vote for Hillary when the DNC hurt their feelings. I do honestly wish that I had more faith in this country to be able to vote for a woman President, but in reality, I don’t. If there was a different opponent, I’d be all for it, but the stakes are too high and no matter how much people want to overreact about the debate, there’s no one out there that would fate better than Biden. Start prepping Pete B to run in 4 years, but no one has been preparing to run for the last 4.

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“Complacency is our biggest enemy.  I bet the gambling bookies don’t account for that.  I learned the hard way in 2016 by doing a protest vote.  I will argue replacing Biden now is just as complacent, maybe even more so and really arrogant in believing our country actually has more options.  Have you ever worked with the DNC?  Decisive efficiency is needed, and it ain’t there!  Hasn’t been for years.  Have you talked to busy Americans just struggling to make a living who have no time for politics, let alone getting to know a new candidate who probably won’t hold their attention unless they have the winning lotto ticket to gift to them, invented the latest phone app, or are prepared to discuss the Drake–Kendrick Lamar feud.  Huh?”


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As much as I agree with you, and I do think Harris would make a head candidate and President, the mechanics of all that happening without "Democrats in disarray" in every MSM outlet are near impossible. The media will paint it all as a circus, downplay Harris as a candidate and push for more chaos instead of the obviously simple line of succession. The media is doing more to create these narratives than the candidates themselves

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Just no. This would already be last week's news if people whining would stop, so the media would quit playing horserace with democracy, as if they have no idea they'll be some of the first to go if the unthinkable wins the election.

Just no. This energy can be better spent writing postcards to GOTV. Thank you, and thank you for your work here on Substack, from a free reader who's been a fan of yours since I saw on TV on something and you were hilarious.

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