I was a litigator for 20+ years. Yes, I think there will be a wide variety of results, as you noted, depending on where the suits are filed, how many resources his donors commit to the various fights, and how Trump further shapes the judiciary for the next four years. I also believe that there will be a bunch of suits dismissed by Trump-friendly judges because of “standing”, which is a judicial way of saying, “you don’t have a dog in this fight so go home and shut up.”
Litigating will help temporarily stave off some of the deleterious effects of 47’s policies, particularly if the various Plaintiff’s are able to obtain interim injunctive relief and there are government workers that remain who will be willing to abide by a Court’s order. However, my concern is those acts in which 47 and EM are engaging of which we have no knowledge. I don’t mean to sound too tin foil hat but are there other keys to treasure troves of information that EM is receiving but we don’t hear about it because of security clearances involved with such systems, like PRISM and XKeyscore?
Normally I relegate the "C" word to the same ash heap as the "N" word, but occasionally (as you and Samantha Bee have so aptly demonstrated) it is not only permissible, but essential.
You missed this part of the avalanche last night in which Trump spoke about how we have to stop "them" (?) from stealing land in South Africa (not hard to see Musk and Theil fingerprints).
MAGA meet RASA (repeal anti-apartheid in S. Africa).
Or, better, MAGA meet MAGA (make apartheid great again).
The tiny bit that I know about the stock market is that money can be made from it going up or down. Seeing in his first term that whenever the hemorrhoid spoke the market would fluctuate. I keep wondering if much of what is happening is to distract from the oligarchs gleaning what they can from the ups and downs. Today was a great example and I wonder if anyone is looking at this? Asking in general, not expecting a bowling alley attendant to know the answer!
More! More salty language! Unfortunately the times we are living in screams out for it.
The law moves at such a snails pace that I fear the damage done will be permanent even if it was ruled illegal. Trump may fire thousands of FBI agents, with all of their expertise, and they will find other employment. It sucks.
We should keep in mind that Trump, Musk, and all the Nerd Nobility together don't have one collective fuck to give about Congress or the Constitution. The minority in government, even assuming they could all get going in the same direction, cannot really push back. No matter how many people shout in the street, there is no power—legislators or judges—to whom the minority can turn. Any resistance will be either pointless or illegal. So .... ?
Well said. I feel the same too. And Ed was a fantastic show! -someone who you jumped over at my kindergarten for a sketch on The State (something I’m very proud of)
I wish life was as simple as Ed Stevens taking these issues to the supreme court. I loved you in Ed as well as Michael and Michael Have Issues. I would watch a few episodes and forget, for a little while, all the madness that's happening in front of my very eyes.
As a commodity raised in the United Corporations of America, I get a "GOP Legal Department" vibe from the Supreme Court as it has now been composed. They're excellent advisors to consult the Reich on how to carry out their agenda, and can multitask as is evident with their maintaining a fig leaf of ethics for the innocent and pure eyes of public at large. I'd share the organizational chart, but I would like to have lunch soon.
It's funny how we still don't have the current president's tax returns, but ALL of OUR information is now literally free for the private sector VIPs and friends of the Oligarchs to use.
Once again, fuck everyone who did nothing to prevent this with their vote.
I think we file lawsuits and pray someone somewhere in the bureaucracy can put a pin in it. But… it will already all be shredded. It’s beyond frightening.
Anyone who was paying attention knew this was coming, and now, we're all sitting around and watching the absolute impotence of those that could do half of ANYTHING about it. We're watching them choose nothing, and waiting, and waiting, and watching as this country and its constitution burns. What can the courts do? Courts? There won't Be courts soon. This feels like the Batman where Bane takes over and leaves the "courts" to that creepy Scarecrow guy to do whatever he pleases.
Well written! I feel the same. Abandon hope all who enter here, I believe is another famous quote that seems to apply.
The more hopeful of us are telling other folks to call their congressmen and women six times a day, and make noise. I don't think that's going to make a bit of difference. The MAGAs are howling with glee that the "deep state" is being dismantled, if there is such a thing to begin with.
He's got the bit between his teeth and he's off. Burn it all, in the name of racism, power, and just the sheer joy of pissing on other people's stuff.
I agree with you but I'm not clear on what you mean by America in the 1830's.
I was a litigator for 20+ years. Yes, I think there will be a wide variety of results, as you noted, depending on where the suits are filed, how many resources his donors commit to the various fights, and how Trump further shapes the judiciary for the next four years. I also believe that there will be a bunch of suits dismissed by Trump-friendly judges because of “standing”, which is a judicial way of saying, “you don’t have a dog in this fight so go home and shut up.”
Litigating will help temporarily stave off some of the deleterious effects of 47’s policies, particularly if the various Plaintiff’s are able to obtain interim injunctive relief and there are government workers that remain who will be willing to abide by a Court’s order. However, my concern is those acts in which 47 and EM are engaging of which we have no knowledge. I don’t mean to sound too tin foil hat but are there other keys to treasure troves of information that EM is receiving but we don’t hear about it because of security clearances involved with such systems, like PRISM and XKeyscore?
My god man, can you drop the chicken little act? I’m close to dropping you.
Drop away!
I’ve really enjoyed your writing right up until the election.
Your despair is hard, if understandable. We all feel it.
Backing away from the world and telling everyone all is lost is not the answer.
I do hope you find your real voice again.
Normally I relegate the "C" word to the same ash heap as the "N" word, but occasionally (as you and Samantha Bee have so aptly demonstrated) it is not only permissible, but essential.
You missed this part of the avalanche last night in which Trump spoke about how we have to stop "them" (?) from stealing land in South Africa (not hard to see Musk and Theil fingerprints).
MAGA meet RASA (repeal anti-apartheid in S. Africa).
Or, better, MAGA meet MAGA (make apartheid great again).
The tiny bit that I know about the stock market is that money can be made from it going up or down. Seeing in his first term that whenever the hemorrhoid spoke the market would fluctuate. I keep wondering if much of what is happening is to distract from the oligarchs gleaning what they can from the ups and downs. Today was a great example and I wonder if anyone is looking at this? Asking in general, not expecting a bowling alley attendant to know the answer!
More! More salty language! Unfortunately the times we are living in screams out for it.
The law moves at such a snails pace that I fear the damage done will be permanent even if it was ruled illegal. Trump may fire thousands of FBI agents, with all of their expertise, and they will find other employment. It sucks.
And Republicans are indeed feckless cunts.
We should keep in mind that Trump, Musk, and all the Nerd Nobility together don't have one collective fuck to give about Congress or the Constitution. The minority in government, even assuming they could all get going in the same direction, cannot really push back. No matter how many people shout in the street, there is no power—legislators or judges—to whom the minority can turn. Any resistance will be either pointless or illegal. So .... ?
Well said. I feel the same too. And Ed was a fantastic show! -someone who you jumped over at my kindergarten for a sketch on The State (something I’m very proud of)
I wish life was as simple as Ed Stevens taking these issues to the supreme court. I loved you in Ed as well as Michael and Michael Have Issues. I would watch a few episodes and forget, for a little while, all the madness that's happening in front of my very eyes.
Bull in the China shop baby. I love it. And you!
As a commodity raised in the United Corporations of America, I get a "GOP Legal Department" vibe from the Supreme Court as it has now been composed. They're excellent advisors to consult the Reich on how to carry out their agenda, and can multitask as is evident with their maintaining a fig leaf of ethics for the innocent and pure eyes of public at large. I'd share the organizational chart, but I would like to have lunch soon.
"What happens to the law can’t keep up with the crimes?"
One man is elevated above it.
To the people whose voting decision benefitted Ralph Wolf over Sam Sheepdog: FUCK YOU FOREVER.
It's funny how we still don't have the current president's tax returns, but ALL of OUR information is now literally free for the private sector VIPs and friends of the Oligarchs to use.
Once again, fuck everyone who did nothing to prevent this with their vote.
I think we file lawsuits and pray someone somewhere in the bureaucracy can put a pin in it. But… it will already all be shredded. It’s beyond frightening.
Anyone who was paying attention knew this was coming, and now, we're all sitting around and watching the absolute impotence of those that could do half of ANYTHING about it. We're watching them choose nothing, and waiting, and waiting, and watching as this country and its constitution burns. What can the courts do? Courts? There won't Be courts soon. This feels like the Batman where Bane takes over and leaves the "courts" to that creepy Scarecrow guy to do whatever he pleases.
Well, I think we all know what's coming, but nobody wants to say it out loud. :(
Well written! I feel the same. Abandon hope all who enter here, I believe is another famous quote that seems to apply.
The more hopeful of us are telling other folks to call their congressmen and women six times a day, and make noise. I don't think that's going to make a bit of difference. The MAGAs are howling with glee that the "deep state" is being dismantled, if there is such a thing to begin with.
He's got the bit between his teeth and he's off. Burn it all, in the name of racism, power, and just the sheer joy of pissing on other people's stuff.
It seems no one has a clue