Dickishness in defense of the little guy is no vice.

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Please for the love of god continue to be a dick, especially with your folks. They’re never going to listen to people who are different from them. You’re the only type that will have any persuasion with them.

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1 in 5 is not hard to believe at all if you ever talk to women.

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You are a “dick” sometimes, but I wouldn’t agree with every situation you list. But, your ability to keep your cool and stick with your argument IS maddening for the person on the other side 🤣

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dear michael,

thank you for sharing this!

i think that dickishness exists on a spectrum, like so many things do.

i consider myself a recovering internet argumentaholic, and sometimes i find myself backsliding, but i do my best, and this is very resonant:

"What the hell do I have to be so righteous about? My opinions are often horrid and my grasp of facts regarding any given subject is tenuous at best. Yet my self-assuredness is, apparently, boundless."

thanks for being self-reflective about your self-assuredness! it is meaningful and appreciated!



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Sometimes it takes balls to be a dick.

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But I feel like dicks never wonder if they’re dicks. Also would love to know what your wife thinks of all this.

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Mar 27Liked by Michael Ian Black

You are not a dick.

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Being a dick to dicks makes you better than a dick because your intentions are pure. You are trying to make the world a better place for us all, whereas they are just trying to make it better for themselves and their fellow dicks. So thank you, and please keep up the good work.

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Hear something, say something.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

I am a dick like you, not withstanding the below comments. I am just like you, and am confrontational and a trial lawyer so I do not shy away from these things. Also a former cop, who feels as bulletproof as I thought I was when I was a 21 year old cop in Houston.

At least my parents had the foresight not to name me Richard. I have several friends with that name whose parents were spot on in naming their child.

I'm such a dick that I will good naturedly inquire if you've upped your Puma trainers game yet? That was a joke, but a dick joke.

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Genuine dicks don't contemplate whether or not they are dicks. Part of being a dick is an utter lack of self-doubt. Dicks also depend on a lack of confrontation about their dickishness, which enables further expression of dickhood. It's kind of a corollary to the Dunning-Kruger effect.

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No. You are not a dick. Silence is the voice of complicity. Live and let live.

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Mar 27Liked by Michael Ian Black

Some people take silence to mean agreement. Better to risk being seen as a dick than a supporter.

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If this is being a dick, then I am a huge cock but to be fair, I think we need more dick and cockS like us

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Mar 27Liked by Michael Ian Black

If youre only a dick to other dicks it cancels out 💪

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