I loved Louis, I saw his career grow, I rooted for him, watched everything he did, saw him perform live a couple of times, was on his email list and bought his comedy specials and paid directly for his show Horace and Pete. He was amongst my favorite comedians of all time alongside Carlin, Rock and Chappelle.
I loved Louis, I saw his career grow, I rooted for him, watched everything he did, saw him perform live a couple of times, was on his email list and bought his comedy specials and paid directly for his show Horace and Pete. He was amongst my favorite comedians of all time alongside Carlin, Rock and Chappelle.
I completely agree in being disappointed that he refused to use his gift to earn a path back to redemption. His sins were not at the level of Cosby or Weinstein, but his lack of lasting accountability is no different than them. It's a shame.
Ultimately what made it easiest to end my long lasting admiration and fandom of Louis is the fact that so much of his comedy was, as you said, funny AND gross. He tells graphic, perverted, and very sexual jokes that made me laugh almost as much as they made me squirm.
And they made me laugh a ton, he's a master at his craft.
But he's also someone who clearly has a kink of getting off on people being witness to his perversion. Once I learned of his obsession with masturbating in front of people (sometimes voluntarily, sometimes involuntarily) it cast his old sexual jokes into a new light. His darkest sexual jokes suddenly seemed less like an awkward confession and more like an extension of his kink.
I don't know if he gets off by forcing his audience to witness him telling graphic and gross sexual jokes. But I also don't know why he gets off by forcing people to watch him play with his dick.
In that unknown, his sexual jokes were no longer going to be as funny as they were just going to make me squirm.
I think he does. I think it's a dual exhibitionistic thing and then a humiliation thing both on the audience and on himself "how gross he is" etc. It's gross alright.
I loved Louis, I saw his career grow, I rooted for him, watched everything he did, saw him perform live a couple of times, was on his email list and bought his comedy specials and paid directly for his show Horace and Pete. He was amongst my favorite comedians of all time alongside Carlin, Rock and Chappelle.
I completely agree in being disappointed that he refused to use his gift to earn a path back to redemption. His sins were not at the level of Cosby or Weinstein, but his lack of lasting accountability is no different than them. It's a shame.
Ultimately what made it easiest to end my long lasting admiration and fandom of Louis is the fact that so much of his comedy was, as you said, funny AND gross. He tells graphic, perverted, and very sexual jokes that made me laugh almost as much as they made me squirm.
And they made me laugh a ton, he's a master at his craft.
But he's also someone who clearly has a kink of getting off on people being witness to his perversion. Once I learned of his obsession with masturbating in front of people (sometimes voluntarily, sometimes involuntarily) it cast his old sexual jokes into a new light. His darkest sexual jokes suddenly seemed less like an awkward confession and more like an extension of his kink.
I don't know if he gets off by forcing his audience to witness him telling graphic and gross sexual jokes. But I also don't know why he gets off by forcing people to watch him play with his dick.
In that unknown, his sexual jokes were no longer going to be as funny as they were just going to make me squirm.
I think he does. I think it's a dual exhibitionistic thing and then a humiliation thing both on the audience and on himself "how gross he is" etc. It's gross alright.