FWIW: Its Christmas Eve 1997 11:55P.M. and I'm at the back door of the business my late wife and I operated then in a southern military town (a HUGE military base, btw) and I'm waiting for my wife who's inside the store to come and unlock the back door to let me in. Before she gets there I just happened to look up and a HUGE craft was moving overhead completely silent and completely HUGE with just a few very barely discernible lights (barely glowing really) on the some edges of the HUGE triangularly shaped completely silent HUGE aircraft. It was moving south to north heading towards the military base and I couldn't tell you if it was 30 feet or 300 feet overhead all I can say is it was HUGE blocking out the sky and it did not make a sound. By the time my wife got to the door it was gone. Was it moving fast or slow I don't know. Later, some years later after the internet become available, I saw on the internet the Phoenix lights phenom in March 1997 (something I had never known about before) and yeah that's pretty close to what I saw. Just sayin...

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It does not add up in this way:. If it was sightings and Roswell as real, and there’s a program, there’s no way it could be kept secret with so many involved, and kept secret for decades when involved people dying of age could have told something on a death bed. On the other hand all the logical conclusions and this book points that it’s all real and exists.

Then the only explanation is that this extra-something intelligence is preventing the disclosure.

And what Michael hinting to, is that as he got close to the truth and he has been replaced by an alien clone. Wait what’s that glowing outside?

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I am NOT an alien clone. I am NOT an alien clone. I am NOT an alien clone.

Interestingly, however, many people HAVE discussed these things on their deathbeds and old age.

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What do you think about the theory that at least some of these objects and their passengers may be from another dimension, which Grusch seemed to imply?

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I have no idea. But I like the idea!

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I lean towards them being interdimensional entities or higher forms of consciousness, at least the translucent orbs seem to be. The bell shaped metal ufos are almost certainly secret government tech using advanced magnetic levitation tech to power the UAP's.

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I realize that most of the ufos have explanations that are logical, rational, and earth-bound. However, I really really want to believe in the future Star Trek promises - a utopia of exploration and discovery. Soooo 🤷🤷😳

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Yep, as you said, Mike, it's really more about who WE are, rather than who THEY are. And how we fit into a bigger picture that we dummy monkey-brains can't perceive. Yet.

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I also have the book. As someone who had a UAP encounter many decades ago, I naturally want to understand what and possibly why.

The book is compelling. The fact that it was vetted by Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR), should make its veracity evident.

And as you know, Lue does not claim that whatever is behind these objects and encounters is extraterrestrial. I can always tell when someone knee jerks about the distances within our galaxy that they know little to nothing about the discussions and scientific investigations going on today within the DoD, NASA, the Navy and a myriad of other government/military entities and top learning institutions.

Immenient credibly drives the point home. Believe it or not, humans are not what they believe they are.

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Let’s hope Elon doesn’t meet them first.

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RE your last graph: If 95 percent of UFOs have prosaic explanations, and another five percent may also have prosaic explanations, then that definitely would NOT leave a lot of unexplained cases, or, in fact, any unexplained cases. Also: "UFOs exist" means that unidentified flying objects exist. That does not mean they're of extraterrestrial origins. It's fun to think of other beings on other planets. Of course there's life out there; there must be. The universe is too vast for us to be unique. We are not alone. Unfortunately it is highly, highly, highly unlikely that any life form out there could reach planet earth. We're just too far away, and getting farther away every second, since the universe is expanding at an ever-accelerating pace. (Earth is also enveloped by a highly combustible gas — oxygen, as well as nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide and methane — and its creatures actually breathe this gas. Pretty daunting for little E.T. if you think about it.)

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The term "unidentified" is a natural bane to the uap subject. You should really read imminent and definitely need to read the Schumer amendment.

There used to be a term they used in the 50s called "insufficient information" which was a "gray basket" (as Stanton Friedman called it), and was very different from the other category of "unexplained or unidentified".

Insufficient information meant we don't have the data to conclude anything. That's what you're talking about in your comment.

Whereas unexplained or unidentified (per the Schumer legislation) means that we absolutely had enough data to conclude it was not space trash or parralax or balloons or anything in a long, long, long list of "knowns". We've got that list, and this ain't in that list. Unexplained or unidentified means we have the data from multiple sources and the composite data says: wtf.

Instead all of the unidentified phenomena carry one or multiple of the 6 (formerly 5) "observables" such as: instantaneous acceleration, hypersonic velocities (above known tech), antigravity, trans medium movement (air to water), multi spectral (non visible), and having biological effects.

Without one or multiple of those observables from multiple data sources... and also whilst evading any other known list, it's pretty much alien to us.

Granted, could it be something that we've never seen before. Like, hey we never knew a tornado could ejaculate hail stones covered in ball lightning the size of spacecraft with instantaneous acceleration and hypersonic velocities which also evade the visible light spectrum, or have the ability to hover with antigravity properties and glide into the ocean while maintaining its current velocity and then causing radiation sickness to the observer. But sorry, we just found that out yesterday and it changed everything we knew about weather and physics, but finally it explains that uap!

But that's the only kind of thing we'd be talking about.

So if you're willing to say it's plasma tornado jizz, you might as well admit its more likely to be a hyper intelligently controlled object from perhaps this massive galaxy, which teems with life.

And as far as your distance argument goes (they're too far away), you should read chapter 16 of imminent. That should explain the possibility of zero point energy, warp drives, and faster than light travel. But also, keep in mind some of them might be in our oceans, which we know less about than mars.

In short, we're monkies and have no idea how physics or this non local reality really works. Give us another 10k years and we'll definitely figure some more out though.

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Love the quote: "The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.”

Plato's Republic, and the 'cave allegory' becomes more and more relevant every day. To me, it's not even an allegory anymore. It's just where we're at as a species.

It makes you wonder, what Socrates knew or discovered? Like Joe Mcmoneagle or Pat Price, was he a gifted psi who could glimpse through the veil, beyond the cave? And we just executed him because the truth was too much for us to handle?

In any case, it's hard to imagine that our cave language will ever be able to describe what the phenomenon is all about. Hell, we can barely recognize that the phenomenon is very likely a clusterfuck of entities happening everywhere all at once.

Rather than asking "which one is it", the question for me, is how we collectively emerge from the cave together, and perhaps hack our current cave language to describe something to ourselves we aren't completely equipped to describe. That, and who is going to lead us out of the cave? The whistleblowers? The president? AI? Who's remotely capable of describing this non-cave world to cave people?

Or...now that many of us know the truth, is the "ball" officially in NHI's "court"? If so, which version of "them" will we get first? The ones in the ocean? The ones from another star system? The ones from our future. The ones from another dimension? The "angels"? The tricksters? Or are limited by the range and collective bias of our current collective consciousness?

Whatever the case, I hope they show up soon. Humanity is stretched thin and running out of time to do anything meaningful for ourselves. The dirty laundry is piling up.

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This piece makes me bizarrely happy and excited. Please write more on this topic. Buying book STAT!

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I finished this a couple days ago. As another person interested in the UFO topic for a long time, it's almost stranger to see an example of an issue that's not (yet) partisan. How often do you see Harry Reid and Ted Stevens thanked together?

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dear michael,

fun and thoughtful piece as always!

i love this: "am I really going to get bent out of shape about a little human extinction? Nah."

love and thanks!


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