My sister is an amazing cook. She gave up beef one year, then added chicken, then added fish, skipping over being a vegetarian and going straight to vegan about 7 years ago. Her meals are still delicious. She enjoys the process of cooking, and now, she enjoys finding the substitutions to make meals amazing while not thinking of killing/suffering animals (her reason for going vegan).

I make deviled eggs at Thanksgiving. That is my skill set when it comes to cooking. In my family, we call them "egg boats" because, you know, Satan. It takes me about 2 hours. I cannot for the life of me peel an egg without taking chunks out of the whites. I then make the yolk mix with the pretentiousness of a gourmet chef. I even have a "secret ingredient". I taste test. I add. I stir. It's a whole process. I completely enjoy the routine each year and now that my sister and my mom are vegan, I completely enjoy NO ONE complementing me on how delicious they are.

PS: The secret ingredient is just a bit of Dijon mustard. Don't tell anybody.

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I heartily agree! Making anything with your hands is high, high art.

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Loved this Michael, my disdain for soup not withstanding.

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Thanks for the recipe, Chef!

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Very much enjoying your writing, Michael. Would like to interview you on my new podcast. What's the best way to send the request with more info?

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And I apologize for posting this here, but no one at CNN will respond to the request I sent last week.

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