Michael, I recently launched a substack to journal the making of my first feature film - right now in its very early stages. If you're so inclined, feel free to give it a read!
Sounds like a great idea. We love getting all those details and the story of a plan coming together with elements like well known creators and artists.
Ummm. I am one of those background people whose soul AMPTP wants to buy in perpetuity for $186. If it's all the same to you, I would infinitely prefer that the union to whom I pay semi-yearly dues will try to fight for what's fair for all its members before caving.
*Please* keep a movie diary!
Michael, I recently launched a substack to journal the making of my first feature film - right now in its very early stages. If you're so inclined, feel free to give it a read!
Yes please
Yes, please. My brother was the star of one of those smaller movies indie films in 2018, Blaze, so I have a soft spot for them.
Yes to movie diary!
Sounds like a great idea. We love getting all those details and the story of a plan coming together with elements like well known creators and artists.
I enjoy your writing, so I’ll read your movie diary—and probably enjoy it!
Ummm. I am one of those background people whose soul AMPTP wants to buy in perpetuity for $186. If it's all the same to you, I would infinitely prefer that the union to whom I pay semi-yearly dues will try to fight for what's fair for all its members before caving.
A diary to rival William Goldman’s!
Filming in Atlanta, the movie capital of the world?
There’s a psychological horror film starring Beth Dover and I can't see it? FURIOUS. 😡
All you had to do was check out my IMDB page, Matt!!!
Yes, please keep a movie diary. You could write about virtually anything and I'd enjoy it.
I always enjoy your perspective. Please share your movie making diary with us.
Are you going to Alfred-Hitchcock-cameo yourself into the movie? Either way, a movie diary would be wonderful.
Dallas Roberts? I’m in.
Very interested in all of this and generally in everything you have to say.
I’ve got zero experience in any of this but I have one tip which I hope is accepted in the spirit of humor: Omit the cock ring scene in this one.