Just here to say I grew up in Montgomery and never knew you were from Hillsborough! No UFO sighting but there was that haunted house in the hills with the prosthetic limbs and a jar full of the feathers.

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Hm... I don't recall the haunted house. I feel like I would remember prosthetic limbs and feathers.

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Well, you're a few years older than me. Maybe the mad scientist hadn't yet created the monstrosity that killed him and fled to the basement, which none were brave enough to enter.

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Sounds like a Richard Thieme short story https://thiemeworks.com/words/stories/incident-at-wolf-cove

I think you'll like it.

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Hey Michael.

I had a similar story to yours, among others. It was my final year of high school and I was at a friend's apartment with another friend who was visiting from out of town. It was sometime after dark and we were out on the balcony, which faced North, looking across what was then the outskirts of the city of Ottawa in Canada, over the Ottawa River, to an area of Quebec called Gatineau.

I don't remember if one of us saw it first, or all of us together, but we all saw it. Five spheres of what looked like flame flying slowly in the formation of a cross, heading East above Gatineau. I remember us all wondering what it could be, making jokes about the second coming of Jesus, noting how it couldn't be planes...and we watched them fly all together til they went out of sight of the balcony.

I don't know now if this happened. I mean for years I was sure it had and still feel it did. I am loosley in touch with both other witnesses, as one does with high school friends on Facebook, but I feel popping up after years and years to ask feels weird and intrusive for some reason. I remember checking the news the next day too, looking for other witnesses. I don't remember any. So was it a dream? It may as well have been.

I think people see weird and unusual things all the time. Sure there are probably lots of rational explanations for most things, but sometimes it lands on a solid "wtf". I think these out of context with reality experiences are for whatever reason hard to encode into long term memory. They are slippery, and fade quickly. For most people. For most experiences like this.

One more, not a UFO. 12ish years ago, my wife and I were at my parents' house. We were in the kitchen, middle of the day, when this green teapot on the counter began rattling. It was visibly shaking and the lid was moving, making most of the noise. Nothing else in the kitchen or house was doing this.

We all quickly concluded that, somehow, a mouse must have gotten in and was trying to get out. I picked up the teapot and we all took it outside. I could feel it shaking in my hand, and like I said, the lid was moving. Popping up and down and rattling. I put it down on a patio table in the backyard and pulled off the lid. It was empty. We were all dumbfounded. The movement and rattling stopped right away.

My mom doesn't remember this at all, and my wife kinda does, but only if you really pull that memory out of her like a long thread. I remember it clearly and I think the main reason is because I filmed it. Now I didn't start filming til I picked up the pot, so a skeptic would likely say I was shaking it. Fair enough. I know I wasn't. The video doesn't show much besides an empty teapot. At least I know it happened . Whatever it was.

Anyway, big fan for a long time. You're very funny. Shave my poodle.

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A lot of similarities - like you're being tested in some way. Did that happen? Did it not happen? How do we know one way or the other? I've had a few non-UFO events in my life that felt (and continue to feel) inexplicable. They are varied in nature and I don't have any explanation for them. What do we do with those events? I think most people just kind of shrug them off but, for some of us, they persist. My little UFO story is one of those events for me.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

Firstly, thanks for sharing Michael. Such a weird and interesting story. Would love for you to follow up with Bradley! Also I’m a huge fan.

Many years ago, I saw a UFO with another friend while driving my friend home around midnight. We were admittedly a little stoned, as one or two friends may find themselves.

First an extremely bright amber light or two appeared behind some distant clouds near the horizon. As I drove around some trees to get a better look, suddenly a small black triangular craft was (impossibly?) right above our heads (unsure about distance).

The craft had four lights - one near each vertex, and then one in the center. It floated above us without making any noise. If this craft was the source of the initial bright lights that we saw in the distance, then it had just traveled what I estimate to be a few miles in just 12-15 seconds without making a sound!

My friend annoyingly spent time afterwards diminishing the significance of what we saw, arguing that it could have been a helicopter or plane (when it clearly wasn’t due to its appearance and lack of sound). Perhaps this was his version of emotional dampening? I never understood why he downplayed it or wasn’t as fascinated as I was - as we had such a clear view of this UFO.

Truly a once in a lifetime experience that I’ll never forget, and thankfully my friend will at least confirm that we saw something unusual that night (and that it wasn’t a dream).

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That's such a cool story. I don't know how to explain any of it but if it helps nobody else does, either. Nobody understands what people are witnessing, why they are witnessing it, or its nature. The only thing we know is that people are witnessing crazy shit ALL THE TIME.

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I wonder if when we experience something that feels surreal or out of the ordinary in our lives, we subconsciously log it in our brains as something associated with a dream because of how strange it was. And maybe as time progresses this experience fades or gets pushed out of our memory bank along with the real dreams that we can't recall anymore.

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deletedMay 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023
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Wow. What an incredible and disturbing story. I'm sure you know this but there are so many stories like yours out there. Do you have any sense of what happened during those missing 5 hours or is it all a blank?

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