Well, I haven’t written about this experience yet, but I was teaching a semi-verbal autistic 4 year old to swim and experienced a vision of deep spiritual comprehension, while in the water with him. It profoundly changed my world view and the simulation of time and bodily existence discussed in Ep 9 make hella hella sense now. I have had prophetic and supernatural experiences since I was young. My family also, and we are all ND.

Funny, the way that reading about things is not the same level of comprehension as ACTUALLY experiencing these “God shots” or “touching the veil”. Seeking out the intel is not the same as the intrinsic moment of happening, or the clarity of recall of the experience; it doesn’t fade like a drunken/hallucination insight, either.

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For those who are looking for how to make the connection between science, consciousness, the astonishing truth of the gifts of non speaking autism, our human experience, and spirituality, read The Book of Heaven. I included a great deal of research. But nothing is like seeing. You can’t unsee this truth.

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The idea that consciousness is the foundation for the human experience and the three-dimensional reality is mind blowing but feels just right. Thank you for the recommendation. My faith in humanity is moderately restored.

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I am processing this podcast on three levels: empathy for the disability narrative, scientific skepticism, and sensitivity to inner mental narratives.

It’s easy to accept it as a disability narrative. Telepathic or not, autistic people are capable of more than most people know and neurotypical people should learn that autistic people are not a monolith. Between Love on the Spectrum and The Telepathy Tapes I am learning to withhold judgment or expectations of autistic people and wait patiently for what they are individually able to share.

I have empathy for families who live with a disability because my own neuromuscular disability also isolates and alienates me from other people. We all wish to be better understood and accepted, not left out.

I’m listening patiently for scientific criteria and am less satisfied with the podcast so far because the feelings of mothers and their children lend themselves more to an entertaining narrative than a scientific inquiry about whether these interviews are a large enough sample size, whether the environment for these tests is well controlled enough to rule out confounds. I’m wanting to see a reading without the family caretaker present (to present a cold reading of a person the autistic person doesn’t know) and that doesn’t happen in the first three episodes of the podcast. It was mentioned that the participating neuroscientist doesn’t think the tests being filmed hold up to scientific standards, but I didn’t hear which specific criteria were not met. I would like to hear more information about internal validity and replication of these tests.

I also have an emotional nonscientific internal story I want evaluated about different modes of consciousness and the way that ideas manifest and are communicated or even made into tangible results. What if non-human and noncorporeal sentient beings are helping disabled people? It seems impossible to get consistent, replicable patterns of evidence for a story that changes depending on which storyteller is present. I also think the study of abnormal psychology attributes any stories of communication with other beings to psychosis and/or schizophrenia.

I get intrusive thoughts about reaching celebrities long distance. I haven’t learned anything about Michael Ian Black or Martha that isn’t broadcast in a podcast. I can’t get Michael work. I don’t think I have anything of value. I don’t have a crush or any weird fantasies. (Those go to one of my former professors who taught me Japanese history and I hope to hear more stories about respecting the kami in inanimate objects and what universal human needs are served by Buddhist or Shinto beliefs about the energy inhabiting objects.)

Anyway, I remain a fan and hope to read more posts about consciousness and balancing empathy, storytelling and scientific skepticism.

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I would encourage you to keep listening - I also want more scientific scrutiny brought to his topic, but they do discuss your objections as the episodes progress.

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Hey Michael - this is fun! I'm on the second episode. I worked for years as an amateur magician and magic shop employee (in college) where I helped (small role) invent and manufacture several well-known tricks that produce effects that look like telepathy and/or telekinesis. I was lucky during that time to become friends with James "The Amazing" Randi and Ray Hyman (who consulted with the DOD when they investigated potential for psychic powers in - I think - the 70's). I sent the podcast and your post to several friends, one of whom was the owner of the shop where I was employed in college and who was Ray Hyman's assistant as a professional witness when Randi was sued by some psychic or other. I'll be curious to hear their reactions. I'll keep listening - I'm skeptical of claims of powers that I know my friends can reproduce with non-supernatural means, but I want to be clear that I'm open-minded; I'll drift to a more logical conclusion if one exists, but I'll give it a fair listen! Thank you for sharing and no disrespect at all intended to the people, kids, families involved. I am not in their shoes.

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Please keep us posted on your opinion! I have no experience in magic (the entertainment kind), but can’t help thinking that if there were any sliver of truth to this, someone would be making money with it. The fact that “it can only be done with certain close relatives” in the same room makes it (conveniently) impossible to replicate in a truly controlled environment.

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What you wrote is not what they are claiming. They claim to be able to do it from other rooms, and "The Hill" phenomenon they claim to be able to do from different zip codes and with strangers. I was turned off by the paywall to see their proof. Nope. Not going to pay $10 to see your proof. I'm sure there are costs to be reckoned with and that they want to make money like anyone, but sell advertising or something - don't gatekeep this proof you claim is so groundbreaking and incontrovertible.

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Thanks for writing about this. It’s so up my alley. I’m excited to listen to the podcast.

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Alan Watts argued that the Universe created us to see itself.

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Oh Michael, how I wish you were my BFF right here, right now. The men I know are way too smart to even listen to any of this. But I have binge listened to 7 of the 8 episodes and I think Ky is fantastic, and I’m so thankful for your recommendations. (I also listened to the CIA guy’s interview.) So IF you didn’t have a beautiful, wonderful wife and were into women old enough to be your mom, I would walk all the way to Savannah just to see you. Love, Vicki

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It's funny - I didn't really know you but saw your post shared on Bluesky by a friend from an experiencer group I'm in, and that's how I found The Telepathy Tapes.

After listening to the entire yesterday, it kind of connected a lot of dots in the experiencer world I and many others live in. I didn't really believe in telepathy until this year.

In July I had an encounter with a being - although at the time I thought it might be a ship, but after multiple encounters since then, I think they are beings. Yes, I know entirely how bizarre this sounds. I spent weeks in ontological shock after the first time.

But - I learned from our interactions they can hear me, as I whisper from 6500+ feet below them, meaning they hear my thoughts.

They show up and blink, or fly, sometimes as soon as I come to look up at Vega before I've even said the first word.

Anyway - the things the some of the kids/people relayed, about angels, gods, consciousness, and the dead, it kind of is all related.

I need to qualify that I didn't believe in any woo before this year, but the rabbit holes have led me here. Federico Faggin, inventor of the microprocessor, introduced his theory that consciousness is the fundamental basis of all quantum fields. His conversation with Michael Phillip on Third Eye Drops kind of helped me along my path.

The universe is much, much, stranger than we have any idea, I think.

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Fascinating. Looking forward to listening to this. On the idea of consciousness being more fundamental than matter and mind giving rise to brains rather than the other way around, check out the new book All Things Are Full of Gods by David Bentley Hart. He makes a compelling philosophical/scientific case for this point of view in the form of a dialogue between Greek gods.

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1st red flag: the parent is always in the room, if not right next to them. 2nd: I spotted Deepak Chopra in the trailer (his presence anywhere is always the nail in the coffin, to be honest). 3rd: if there was any chance this could be true, someone somewhere would be making money off of it (besides making a “documentary” about it). The r/skeptic subreddit pretty much points out everything dubious about the whole thing.

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Last episode posted at this time says they are trying to work with a university, doing the experiment inside faraday cages.

It’s a sad state of affairs when something has to be a documentary or viral trend, to get great institutions who are corporately-influenced, to acknowledge them.

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“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

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Totally up my metaphysical alley. Thanks for the rec.

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Once on a family vacation when I was much younger, my sister returned to the hotel room as my parents and I were all reading. I was well into a novel and she asked what page I was on. I looked at the page number and joked, "take a guess - I'm telepathically telling you now", and mockingly closed my eyes and put two fingers on my forehead. And she guessed the exact page I was on. Shocked, I said, "Yes!" as I showed her the page. We tried telepathic tests all the rest of the evening, and no further psychic link presented itself. It was probably just a coincidence, but it was so weird when it happened. I still think of it to this day when anyone talks about ESP.

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If you want to get into the weeds, check this out: https://doi.org/10.59973/ipil.53 There is a link to the PDF.

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I’ll have to make sure I’m current on my c19 vaxes

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