This is an important consideration, and one I find myself contemplating somewhat regularly. I'm concerned that I've so specifically curated my sources of information and opinion that my own beliefs/assumptions/etc aren't being sufficiently challenged, and therefore I can't defend them.

Do I actually understand why I hold the political, moral and ethical beliefs/opinions that I hold, or is it pure inertia? I wish I knew how to answer that question...

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Critical thinking is good, but it's not as important as conscience. Conscience is a feeling of obligation to others based in love and connection. It's an inherent FEELING. It's based in your brain's amygdala and limbic system. Jews emphasize morality, tikkun olam, our obligations to others. That's why we are largely democratic. Sociopaths have no conscience. They can't help it. There's always a genetic reason behind that.

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The prefrontal cortex is what you use for critical thinking. It is not involved with conscience.

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“Do as I say and I promise good things.”

What MAGA hears whenever Trump speaks*.

*Incoherently, AKA all the time.

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I'm not sure when a political affiliation becomes a religion, but I am certain we all witnessed one transform into a cult.

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How’d ya get Steve Rushin to write the Lobo caption? Btw, his book Road Swing is really funny.

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I love that little phrase you just made up!

I just made one up, too, and hope you like it. "And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." (Or to any woman in the WNBA. )

Thanks, as always, and keep it coming. 💙 Vote Blue

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dear michael,

i always enjoy what you write!

love this:

"There’s nothing wrong with using our environment to figure out who we are. In fact, I don’t know if there’s any other way to do it. But it’s also good, I think, to check in with yourself every now and again to question whether the things you believe you believe are actually the things you believe. They may not be. You might just have some residual brain clutter from your uncle who said all that crazy shit to you when you were little."

thanks for sharing of your brain clutter!



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Thanks, Myq! I really appreciate you taking the time to write.

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Provocative. I'm actually hoping to get tested for this woke mind virus (WMV) I keep hearing about. Just so I'd know whether I actually fear a domestic authoritarian movement seizing control of the US government or it's just my WMV acting up again.

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I understand that the WMV comes with shifting sexuality and a 5G antenna. Sounds like a pretty good time to me...

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Love this piece. Being an avid fan of the WNBA and UCONN since 1995 I had to look up if Rebecca Lobo was your wife. I thought not because you’ve lived over seas and currently in North or South Carolina.

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