Your a good one, Michael.The trans panic is a desperation play because the conservatives lost om gay rights so they had to pivot to another group tgat is so tiny they can't as effectively fight back. Its immoral and sad what these soulless conservative commentators are doing and I wish it worked on less morons than it evidently does.

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This is a beautiful piece and as the parent of a trans son thank you for writing it. When my son was very little we used to say he sparkled. He was confident and spunky. As he grew he lost that and we worried about him. Since he transitioned his sparkle is back. He’s in college now and living his best life doing every day things like hanging out with friends and going to class/studying.

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Oh Ian,

Your naïveté on this subject would be quite quaint, if it weren’t for the real tragedy of transgender ideology on vulnerable young people and their families.

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Which tragedies are those?

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I know you are truly just being kind and inclusive and you want to live and let live (I’m in total agreement on that), but since you have waded in, PLEASE, do a little research.

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Where do I begin…..truly, you have no idea of the destruction….do just a little research beyond a couple of folks who are happy with their “changes”, of which we know little about and the long term effects.

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My research consists of the people I know who have transitioned. I've heard horror stories from trans alarmists like yourself, but haven't met any of those people. Those I have met seem quite happy and comfortable, or at least happier and more comfortable than they used to be.

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Best story I read today! Thanks for introducing us to River.

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Have you seen Neflix's "Sort Of"? Great show. This is the kind of show that moves the culture along toward more acceptance.

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I’m convinced Roger Stone wouldn’t have gone on the evil trajectory of a cartoon villain if people hadn’t outed, belittled and tarred and feathered him in the media for being a swinger back in the day. Let everyone be who they are, be polite and mind ya own damn business. I’m liking that Walz catch phrase.

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As a straight white old male, I appreciate the insight !

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Great essay, Mike. And yup...Americans are really good at vilifying that which is different from the mainstream, which more or less has been the ruling tribe credo for the last five hundreds years....white, straight men.

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As a transgender woman and a parent of three gender-expansive children -- thank you, Michael.

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Look, if I’m going to invite you to do a guest spot, try not to be funnier than me. That’s just common courtesy.

Reminds of what The Monkees manager must have told Jimi Hendrix when he opened a few concerts for them. They found he was a hard act to follow.

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Another great read! Go River! My god child transitioned a decade ago and is very happy with her new self and massive happiness and self esteem.

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I have such deep admiration the bravery it takes to be trans in our society. This essay is a beautiful tribute to your trans friends. ❤️

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I consider myself brave but know I don’t have that level of bravery. Go River!

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dear michael,

a beautiful, hearftfelt piece. River Butcher is the best! you are also the best. some chunks of your piece that i really enjoy:

"Look, if I’m going to invite you to do a guest spot, try not to be funnier than me. That’s just common courtesy."

"River, for example, is a Dodgers fan, which is, of course, disgusting, but his poor baseball preferences should not impact whether he has access to the healthcare he needs, or the restroom that conforms with his gender identity."

"We joked about my 'Hollywood Friendship System,' which works like this. If you’re a celebrity and I have ever communicated with you in any shape or form, I consider you a dear friend. If we have spent more than five minutes together, you’re like family."

thank you for sharing, my dear family friend (i like your system)!



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Myq, you've always been like family to me.

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As the dad of two trans teens I heartily approve this message.

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