I think it was Marc Marron that said he bumped into a former comedian driving cab and the now cab driver said it was so much better. The travel would get tiresome quickly.

I only fly few times a year but planes are exhausting, not as bad as driving for days to see family so I have to appreciate their efficiency. I think the experience could only be a little better if they put us in boxes with enough oxygen to get to the other side and stacked them in a cargo plane with our luggage.

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I like how you endear yourself to these places.

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Really, you don’t look up a town’s UFO history or oddball museum or place of historical significance or unique geographical features? I love exploring stuff like that in towns around the country. I do agree air travel is tiring, it’s like being a rock that is thrown hundreds of miles in a very short amount of time. The elapsed time is compressed but the body feels the length of it just the same. Safe travels, MIB.

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I was hoping to find some thoughts on how to make work travel less depressing for me. I guess I learned to at least not do this. But I knew that already. Trolling Midwest towns is pretty novel though, so that part was fucking rad.

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PLANET OF THE TAPES?!? OMG I’m dead. We’ve officially run out of comedy club names. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂

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Same, except songs instead of jokes and music venues instead of comedy clubs and when your wife calls I always answer.

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Aw, that's sweet. Wait.

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Michael Ian Black: The Story of a Man Who Was Too Cool For School ... In Louisville

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Nothing better than some quality hotel motel time.

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Thank you for sharing these insightful words which I found to be humorous.

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Happy holidays? 😰

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Eat shit, Louisville! This was a long time coming.

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Yeah take that Louisville!

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I’m flying to Cabo on Monday. Will

I be happy once I’m there? Maybe. Will the flight suck? Why, yes! Would I prefer to stay home and sleep in and light a fire and drink gin and watch my show and scramble eggs (with my secret sauce- a dash of Worcestershire sauce) and do the crossword and wait for the next MIB Substack? Probably. Is that lame? Most definitely.

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May we all find loose M&Ms at the end of our grinds.

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Break a leg, I think ...

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It always surprises me how tiring flying is. I can sit at home and doomscroll for hours and be fine, but sitting for the same amount of time in an airplane is exhausting. I flew from Florida to California and after four hours, I was ready to open the door and leave. I didn’t have a death wish, I just could not imagine sitting there another 90 minutes. I took a selfie and I looked like all hope had left my body.

I hope you find those M&Ms and that they are delicious.

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I don't know why it's so brutal. Might just be flying coach. When I'm up front I'm usually fine.

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