Superb article ! Thank you for writing it. I wish it could be “required “

reading .

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I try not to be histrionic, but I very much live in fear that this man will somehow glide from the GOP primary nomination he is all but assured to win and beat the (too narrow for comfort) odds to win the Presidency. What the actual fuck do we do then?? What does the rule of law mean if an unquestionable criminal is able to survive two impeachments, inciting a literal insurrection, and then dismiss all of the federal criminal cases against himself?? How does this nation survive???

"Oh, but he'll get ensnared by state charges, and we'll be saved!" you say as you rock back and forth.

Well first, how unbelievably sad that THAT is the level we've stooped to: being saved by a local prosecutor in Atlanta because every other guardrail in the country was shattered.

Second, it's not guaranteed he'll be convicted! Crazier things have happened; OJ and plenty of other murderers and scumbags beat the rap!!

Third, there is genuine uncertainty about how the Constitution would deal with a POTUS who is on trial or in jail. Prior DOJ opinion says that prosecution of a sitting president can't proceed because it prevents carrying out their duties, so they may suspend it until after his term, which might be at 🤷🏻‍♂️ point if he's able to keep dismantling the law.

How do we come back from that? Sometimes a rubber band maintains its elasticity after extreme stretching. But at a certain point, it will snap, never again returning to normal. Even if we dodge a bullet this time and Trump is taken down by jail or a coronary, how do we deal with the next sociopath who is 15% more subtle and competent baring down the same path of smashed precedents and norms???

It honestly keeps me up at night.

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Exceptional newsletter.

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This is perfectly articulated. Sharing with everyone who lives in Reality. Thank you.

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Love, love this essay! Several years ago, my future son in law asked me for my daughter's hand in marriage. I told him only if he would occasionally allow me to call him Barack. His answer : "If you must...". LOL!

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Best essay yet

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So so very well spoken. Thank you. I can live with a leader with whom I disagree politically or policy wise as long as I feel like s/he has a basic human moral outlook at heart and it guided by one basic tenet: love for others. Trump ain’t that by a long shot.

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They say that section 3 of the 14th amendment of our constitution automatically disqualifies those who have participated in and insurrection or rebellion against the US government. I say we all write and call our state attorney generals like crazy to enforce this law! They don't have to put him on the ballot. Call and write Merrick Garland demanding he enforce the constitution and disqualify Trump and whomever else is indicted in Jan.6th. If they fail us, Democrats need to get out the vote. Our biggest weakness is that our voters don't come out as diligently as the MAGA's. Oh how I miss the Obamas and wouldn't it be grand if Michelle ran with Oprah?

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My Attorney General, currently suspended pending an impeachment trial in the Texas Senate, and who has been avoiding felony trial since being elected AG, is an acolyte of the TFG. Ken Paxton. Another pillar of ethics and honesty. Not likely he or the "interim Attorney General" would make that call.

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Oh my god. A fellow Texan in the TRUE spirit of Texas, where honesty and integrity ruled…. Where even when the truth hurt, we faced it… when your word meant something… before the whackos took over. I’m so happy to see you.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Nice to meet you, Lisa. I too am very happy to see a fellow Texan here. We both know there are many like us, but not enough like us in this state will vote. When your word meant something....isn't that the truth!

As I've mentioned in other comments, I'm currently enraged watching the Houston ISD libraries that filled my brain with all kinds of knowledge being closed, their librarians fired, and said libraries turned into zoom detention centers. Why ban select books and waste time on all that when you can just eliminate the library. Problem solved. Plus, then we create the idea in kids minds that libraries turned into detention halls are unpleasant and maybe we can deter them from reading ever at all and just get their news from Fox. All books banned. As we know, the school libraries are the only place many kids can access for books, for various reasons. THIS is Abbott's new Texas, along with no abortion rights, trying to close the elections department in Houston via legislation...oh I could go on with things that don't concern most commenters for hours.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Michael Ian Black

Yes to ALL of this. TFG - just a gigantic super turd but it isn't really even about him. It's about the folks who idolize him, have doubled down on him. I have somehow managed to retain my capacity for shock and awe - just waves of it, daily (I think it might be trashing my adrenals). All of my hope is riding on our legal system holding together.

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LOL. I had to look up TFG. I like it.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

As I live here under Greg “Trump jr” Abbott’s power, we’re reliving the last 4 trump years perpetually.

In my heart of hearts, I wish I could talk American to American, lawyer to lawyer, parent to parent, with Michelle Obama. I truly feel she is our only hope to beat trump or, if things turn out with the secret service guarding Trump in prison, his chosen successor.

I know this is too much to ask Michelle. She has already sacrificed much of her adult life for this nation. They both missed a portion of their kids upbringing to keep us safe.

There are those who will say she’s not a politico and wouldn’t stand a chance. I don’t see her trading her life now to be President. She knows how horrible it is.

But name me one person of equal integrity or intelligence in either party, other than Michelle, who stands a chance of beating trump or his designee. I mean, not Mayor Pete. Not VP Harris…she ain’t got the charisma. I can think of no Democrat worthy of nomination, save for Michelle.

I knew how good I had it under Obama. As stupid as Clinton’s terms got, I had more money in my pocket and in the bank under both Clinton and Obama.

As our nation changes from the nation I grew up in, as a lawyer, I’m watching our most hallowed judicial institutions crumble. A wise criminal defense lawyer friend remarked that we appeared to be heading the way of South Africa. I don’t know enough about that parallel, if there is one, to comment, but I know enough that it’s bad.

And it’s horribly bad when apparently, if you believe polls, that half this nation supports a loser the likes of which we’ve never seen before, in or out of politics. My late lawyer dad used to say “figures don’t lie but liars figure”. That’s my best hope for these polls likening trump to a hero.

They don’t make a medicine to fix this.

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Curious. What do you think of Will Hurd? I disagree with his policies mostly (although he doesn’t give a whiff about women’s bodies, so there’s that) but he seems to embody decency. He doesn’t have much runway, but I would not cry if he were elected.

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I don't know that Michelle Obama is qualified for the presidency. I mean, I don't know that she's NOT, either, but she's never held elected office and doesn't seem to have any interest. As sad as it is to say, I agree with you that the Dems don't appear to have a deep bench. Pete seems like a good bet in the medium term, but I can't think of any youngish, electable Dems who could win the presidency. Sucks.

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She is ten million times more qualified than The indicted guy.

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All I can say with any confidence is that I have been thinking about Pete Buttigieg A LOT lately.

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Pete’s a great guy and maybe with a few years on him, he’d be great. Pete can’t even get the nomination now, in the event Biden does not. He hasn’t done anything in his appointed term. I’m not sure the plane fiascos are his fault, but he didn’t fix or attempt to fix that problem.

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Once the Dems start attacking Biden, and I suspect they will, there will be a floor of potential nominees that are lackluster and it’s 4 more of Trump. Ruling from his cell.

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Dems aren't going to go after Biden. He's the sitting president and the nominee, for better or worse.

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I am very worried about our president. I mean, I’m 63 and I’m worried about my mortality, as you recently wrote re your birthday. I love Joe, and just am very concerned with our future.

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At the time Obama was president, I wasn’t a fan. I wasn’t a Democrat or a liberal or even liked the policies they wanted to put forth. THAT being said -- I respected Obama because HE had respect for the office of President

Trump and the Republicans have made me a liberal, what with their attack on culture and idiocy painted up as Patriotism. Trump didn’t respect the office -- EVER. Nor does he now.

But what I wouldn’t give to have a man with a character like Obama’s in office in 2024.

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Yeah, I made a point of not discussing policy in this piece because this isn't about policy. It's about common decency and, as you said, respect for the office. It's also about the purposeful degradation of our society by nihilists posing as politicians.

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I agree. Common decency is exactly what’s missing here. Trump has NONE -- and honestly, I bet that’s part of what some of his cult loves about him.

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