You’re Not Doing It Right is my favorite memoir. This is such a lovely addendum.

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Beautifully expressed and so relatable. Congratulations and thanks-just shared with my spouse/partner of 40 years. ❤️

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From my failed marriage to your successful one ☝️, mazel tov. And I’m not even Jewish. You obviously know some things about appreciation and care that my ex did not. Here’s a toast 🥂 to many more years of love ❤️ for the both of you!

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This is simply lovely. Thank you, Michael.

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Congratulations, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We have been married for 32 years in a second marriage. I think that I realized some mistakes in my first marriage and along with some therapy I couldn’t be more proud and happy and thankful that our adventures keep us whirling along on this beautiful planet. As we have aged, our “adventures” are less exotic but we still treat our partnership as a great adventure. Now in our 80’s we have so many great memories and our family keeps getting bigger. We are both proud of all our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren

and let them know. We have moved about every 5 or so years treating each move like a new adventure. My beautiful, adventurous sparkly bride is my treasure. She has my heart.

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What a lovely message. Congrats!

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Congrats on making it this far. My wife and I have been together for almost twenty-four years. It's not always easy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Love this line: “If we had divorced, it would have been their fault and I would have made sure they understood that fact.”

It reminds me of a line from a British comedy show many moons ago: “I come from a broken home; I broke it.”

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Happy anniversary! Couldn’t have said it better; coincidentally, my husband and I are also on year 26. Cheers!

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Communication. That's a big part of it. My spouse and I have reached a point where we recognize there are days when we are just not on the same wavelength, ideally when it's happening.

Congrats on your years of sharing and caring.

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Happy anniversary to you and Martha! You provided a very wise and accurate account of a successful marriage. Acceptance and just general kindness and random acts of appreciation for each other is what keeps tightening that bond.

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Something important Martha has created within your marriage is a thoughtfully beautiful home. (We've seen Connecticut and Savannah on Instagram.) You travel a lot for your work, and that takes a toll. But you come home to a place that embraces and renews you. That's big. (According to my husband.)

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This is beautifully written. Happy anniversary to you and Martha. Dana and I celebrate our 24th anniversary in December and so, so much of what you said here resonated with me, particularly "It is our spouse who knows us and who, despite knowing us, has agreed to invest their hearts."

"...Despite knowing us..." ~ exactly.

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Thank you for this piece...what a gift! It’s beautifully written and eloquently speaks to how I feel about my own marriage of 29 years to my best friend of 37 years. In fact, we met you once after a show in Seattle. You’ve always been a performer whose words and way of thinking we’ve enjoyed (comedy, TV, your books).

I’m going to share this with him tonight. He’ll want me to read it aloud and after we’ll have a long, fascinating conversation...one of our favorite things. Thank you in advance! Happy Anniversary to you and your wife! May each year be filled with more love, more acceptance, and more gratitude.

Much love, Jennifer (and Jason) 💕

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said very well❤️

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Happy anniversary!

I believe you have it exactly right, it’s those who give us unconditional love that we feel safest being our best AND our worst with. May you both have more of the former and less of the latter.

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I'll be damn. That was beautiful and sweet, funny man. Oh, it was funny too. That was some good therapy. 👍🏻 Michael, you're multitalented. Thanks.

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Happy Anniversary!! This was lovely! Even my non-romantic heart felt tugged by this. I’m so glad for both you and Martha.

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