Hello! I quoted this in my own post this week and just want to say a proper thank you, for this one and the whole newsletter. I grew up on I Love the 80s etc. (which you owned, everyone knows this) and was delighted to find you here just being a wise dad & relatively calm American in some crazy-ass times. Really enjoying the blog, man. Thanks!

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Thanks, Dan! I really appreciate it.

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I wish I had you're optimism but I however believe there will be the killing of hundreds of thousands, those deemed inferior to all other's will suffer first. There are republicans who already call for violence and that are priming their base that liberals need to die if necessary, to persevere the white christian male's dominance as God preordained! Once it starts, well, Fascism Kills! πŸ’™βœŒπŸŒΉπŸ˜

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...and Hitler was inspired by the Jim Crow polices of the South. So...full circle?

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Likewise, I rarely watch anything about Hitler or his friends, but like you, I watched Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial.

I feel that you missed quite a few beats, too many for me to remember, I didn't take notes.

After serving in the army for six years, and fighting in WW1 - unlike Trump, Hitler lied in order to be in the war - Hitler was considered to be articulate by ordinary people, not a clown, someone promising. The ruling powers certainly didn't take him seriously, right up until, with a minority of votes, he did deals and put himself in charge.

How did he get there? Anger, resentment, fury, that Germany was to be held accountable for WWI. The unfairness of restitutios! Hitler was going to make Germany great again! Sound familiar, at all? Hitler was going to address public grievance, Hitler was with them, he shared their grievances, he had a vision, he had a plan to set things right. And of course, he eventually annointed himself king, err, Fuhrer.

There might not be a war in America after the election, but there will be blood.

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4000 people is more than plenty to engender compliance from the other 46000.

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I did a deep dive on WW2 docs after watching the Hitler one. The Cold War doc on Netflix called The Cold War and the Bomb or something (I’m too lazy to look it up) was incredible

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"Austrian colonel" should be "corporal"

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Oops! I KNEW that, too. Stupid, stupid me.

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Stupid? Nah. More of a dumb mistake. "Austrian General" would have been stupid.

it did cause me to take a moment and wonder if my memory is failing.

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Project 2025 is even worse than we thought. The head of the Heritage Foundation actually replicated many of the specifics from Hungarian President Orban and his henchmen’s handbook on governing. Check out Heather Cox Richardson’s Substack today, but be warned it will make your blood curdle. THIS is what we’re up against. We must vote and get everyone we know to vote too. This is not a drill, nor hyperbole….

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I will go farther than you, Michael. I think they WILL be murdering the democratic leadership and immigrants and it will lead to war. If they build camps and his modern day gestapo start kidnapping people from their homes en masse people are going to fight back and it will escalate. We are one election away from having concentration camps in America. Buckle up, everybody, its going to be a messy few months.

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dear michael,

thank you for your meaningful pieces as always!

i like this a lot: "There are those who will insist that all presidents staff agencies with their loyalists. That is true, to a point. The current number of political appointees in the federal government is about 4,000. While I am not much of a mathematician, it seems to me that 50,000 is a lot more than 4,000."

thanks for sharing!



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The extermination of people was an official act by an elected German government. Hitler had that power. Now so do we. What defines an official act? I don't expect a duly elected U.S. government to issue extermination orders, but it could make the lives of those deemed "less than" or "unwanted" very miserable and cruel. I don't put that past any member of the current GOP official. This, my friends, bodes trouble.

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Hitler had a ridiculous last name, like Schnicklesomething, until his stepfather adopted him. This made his ascent more possible.

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Thank you for sharing. Your 4th sounds wonderful. Also thanks for the heads up about the Netflix Documentary about Hitler. We will certainly watch that! My husband was born in 1933. His parents had to leave their homes in Germany & Lithuania to escape the Nazis.

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