B-movie hack, corporate spokesperson, and celebrated mannequin Ronald Reagan was the gold Republicans struck before they were gifted the motherlode of Citizens United by the Supreme Court. Quite the slap in the face title there. Squeaky clean on the surface with such a noble appearing veneer that conceals the rot and overall grift on the middle class. “Dutch”…shoulda went from the movies to hosting a game show.

Anyone ever read the transcripts from the Nixon tapes of a phone call between Ronnie and Dick making fun and ridiculing newly elected Black Congressional reps with their White boys club snickers?…

Oh yeah, says the fly on the wall.

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I recently had an epiphany that sprung from reflecting on one of your posts, although it applies to a trend at large. I think the thing holding America back is the compulsion to always be focusing on the idea of America itself. Like, how can America be more America, or how can America fulfill its destiny to be the best America it could be. An idea you feel obligated to be loyal to. Much of the rest of the world couldn't give a shit. Not just about America of course, but their own national identity. Like, I don't think most Norwegians sit around and contemplate, "what does it mean for me to live the Norwegian dream?"

I for one am terribly thankful to not be living in America.

In Canada, where we are not a communist country, but a perfectly normal capitalist/socialist mix, with some good regulations (but not enough) and a few bad regulations, not everything is awesome but it is TOTALLY FINE. Americans may say, "sure you have free healthcare but you have to pay for preposterous taxes for it." The the only real taxes I pay are sales tax, which seems to me to be about the same as in the US. As a sole proprietor who is bad at business (but not at my technical craft!), my income tax is actually zero. (Sure I have a good accountant, but I'm not a wealthy person bragging about avoiding tax. My income is really embarrassingly low. But still!) The only thing I pay into at tax time is the national pension. Canada isn't perfect, but we're certainly not missing out on anything that the Americans have. I don't worry about half the things Americans have to worry about. My notions about America are not from hearsay, or ALL the media. My wife (and in-laws, obvs) are American, and I lived there for the first 7 months of our marriage. Luckily I got cancer and so moving back home to Canada was the perfect option. And I was taken care of, which is why I'm still alive, bugging you.

But seriously, instead of thinking of each idea in terms of, "but is it American enough?" Just stop. Whatever happened to "best idea wins"? That's what I love about the Roger Moore documentary "Where To Invade Next?"

You just need more of that. You're a human being on the global village of Earth. Stop being so American, si vous plait.


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Fuck that fucker. It's absolutely infuriating that any goodwill was ever shown to that union-busting homophobic racist international war criminal.

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Costa Rica

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If the the GOP wins, the enactment of project 2025 is enough to make me crawl over broken glass to leave.

Divorced, no kids.

My partner has children. And while I would hate to leave them, I can’t live in a Christian theocracy

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Dang I agree with this 100%. I have considered msybe Finland? The social contract here is so broken.

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The wall they seem intent on building is to keep us in.

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Every time there’s a mass shooting - especially at schools - my three daughters, mothers of my grandchildren, say how they hate it here. I can’t blame them. What kind of country are we handing to my grandkids? We’ve started talking a little more seriously about looking into where to go. There’s a little part of my heart that dies thinking about that because I love this country, but with the daily onslaught of bad news here and the extreme leanings of too many of ours citizens I find I don’t recognize American any more.

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Canada has become too much like the US and it makes me sad and uncomfortable. While we don’t have the gun issue, we have the housing problem, and the medical, and corrupt governments.. our country is at war with its own citizens yet no one is really doing anything about it. It all feels hopeless.

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"I’m not going to run for office. I don’t have enough money to influence anything."

That's so sad, and you nailed it.

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As a Canadian, we'd love to have you up here. Sure, we've got problems here too, but we're usually happy. Thanks for writing your thoughts, I enjoy reading them!

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I'm sorry that some people attacked you for expressing your thoughts, feelings, and opinions on your page. The nerve. But, that's it. The one thing to remember about that attack is that it was "some people." Not all. Remember, only "some people" believe that you don't dare express your opinion if they don't agree with you/it.

I've been keeping that thought in the back of my mind since that conman-lech chose to run for office, even though he had no intention of winning, at first. I started investigating other countries and still keep that thought as an option. But, I've been fighting as an activist since middle school when four Kent State college students were gunned down while doing the same thing that I was doing...protesting. I started a student group and was expelled from high school for organizing (talking about) a meeting to be held off campus. Girls in my school couldn't even wear pants, how dare I try to change anything! I'm still fighting and think the best thing that I could do to honor the few ancestors that I have that chose to come to America by trying to fight back against the fascism, the creeping nationalism that defendant Trump and his cabal are trying to instill.

As I write, Israel and America are patiently waiting for the "drones and other things" that Iran has launched as retaliation against Bibi's stupid attack on them recently. Man. You would think he has his hands full with the attacks on the West Bank and the starvation of millions of Palestinian civilians, a considerable amount that are children. But no, with his trusty ally by his side (US), he feels emboldened, I guess.

Go, if you must. But, it would be a shame to lose a brilliant writer and comedian, as you. Anyone who wants to escape this madness, do so without guilt. But, there is one thing that you can do, the most important thing you can do, and you don't have to have money, power, and/or connections. You can vote! Vote for President Biden no matter what your gripe about him. Too old, too white, not done enough for you, too liberal, too conservative, it doesn't matter. This is it. The big one. HE is it. No one else is coming. You, and your vote can keep the authoritarian menace at bay. They are trying very hard to yank millions of us off of the voting rolls. They will threaten you, try to intimidate you, make you wait hours out in the cold and the rain, anything to make you give up. Don't. Our grandfathers and fathers had their chance to stand up for this Democracy, no matter how imperfect, it's better than "Project 2025" (go read it. It's chilling. And they mean it). They did it, our predecessors gave this fledgling Democracy to us. Some died for it. Please consider doing all you can. No matter how little and how much, it still won't be equivalent to dying for it. I hope all of you will stay. We CAN make it better, but we can't if we don't try.

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Do you recall the infamous "11th Commandment" issued by Republican deity

Ronald Reagan? "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Trump broke that one, too.

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One of the things that became clear to me in studying my family’s genealogy was how clearly the politics and economics of the time motivated their immigration. In popular culture, this phenomenon is often mischaracterized much as evolution is mischaracterized. We are left with the impression that migration was a process that was directional, and that it culminated with our current state. Instead, both migration and evolution occur in response to the threats and opportunities in the local environment. It’s a question of fit. It’s not a question of progress. Increasingly the United States feels like a poor fit.

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You're using wealth as the measure of greatness, really? That's the ONLY measurement for which the USA comes out on top. Maybe have a look at all of the tiny little countries that are next wealthiest after the US. Clearly, America isn't nearly as wealthy as it should and could be, based purely on scale.

On every other global metrics, America often fails to even make it into the top 20.

So no, there's nothing wrong with your tone. The only people who think the USA is or ever was the greatest country in the world are Americans, despite the reality of living in America. The rest of the world isn't looking on with envy.

Every country had booming economies after the end of WW2, btw.

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Anybody attacking Reagan is OK in my book. I remember it all vividly and the gloss the present-day Republicans put on that uniquely unpopular idiot puppet is obscene. Thanks for writing this, and for continuing the good fight.

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