"not consistent with the humility and selflessness"

The GOP and anyone whose vote benefitted Trump are fucking ghouls. Fuck them forever.

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"people who clamor the most about God’s love seem the least interested in believing that love extends to all"

This has been my life's experience across the county.

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dear michael,

another great piece!

love this: "If, as the white Christian nationalists who comprise a sizeable minority of Trump supporters believe, we are all created in God’s image, then surely we are all perfect manifestations of God’s love, however we express ourselves. If we were not meant to alter the way we were born, then why don’t these same people object to breast implants or hair loss pills or any of the other myriad ways we seek to shape the world more to our liking? Why is gender-affirming care ok for thee but not for we?"

thank you for sharing as always!



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I have a transgender daughter finishing up her senior year of high school in Idaho. Thank you for continuing to write thoughtful pieces highlighting the humanity of the transgender community. I appreciate you and your unwavering support. It means the world to families like mine.

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Oh I know why, and as a queer person, afab, and of the faith it enrages me. Everything is about power structures and one of the fundamental units is men do this, women do that. If you deviate at all from that script, you are tearing apart that foundation, and trans people are from this view point the enemy because not only do they break the idea of what men and women do, they break the patriarchal idea of men and women period. If you aren't invested in that power system, trans people aren't an inherent threat, and it's no coincidence that putting trans and gender nonconformists down naturally leads to stripping power away from women.

They do all this instead of feeding the hungry or facing the evil in their hearts.

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I kind of do think Trump is as bad as Hitler… if given the opportunity, and if it meant being rewarded with money and attention, I don’t think there’s an atrocity he would hesitate to commit.

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Jones was not "born male".

I know you've heard all the reasons why I say that. Trans women have always been who they are, the terms "biological male/female" are meaningless in any scientific sense, stop using transphobic dogwhistles, etc.

I'm putting it down to a momentary lack of attention.

Fortunately, edit exists here! Hey Bluesky!

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Out of curiosity, what would you have had me say to make the same point?

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"She is a trans woman who transitioned in..." is accurate and conveys the pertinent information to place it in context for your point.

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If you respond that both are the same in any respect, then you've been listening far less than I thought.

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Why are you defensively responding to a point I didn’t make? I didn’t say they’re the same. I asked what would be a better way to say what I said. You responded, and I appreciate the response.

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That will have something to do with a series of EOs this week and years long unrelenting attack.

But you're right. It was preemptive to and at you, undeserved.

My apologies.

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My dread and fear. We're not 2 weeks in. There are almost 4 years at least ahead. It is not absurdly paranoid to think they are setting up a situation where I am imprisoned with men for nothing but existing in public. This in a country where things such as v-coding exists. Where Florida has made torturing imprisoned trans women official baldly stated and executed policy.

Where I am certainly losing access to health care I depend on to live.

Yeah, Michael. I'm a bit on edge.

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You could have, though I do not recommend it at all, have said "assigned male..." which would be factual but emphasizes that error over her self. She was not and is not the error. The error is an identifier for a societal process, one that is at the cause of our oppression.

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My people, we have a saying: “Right on brother!”

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That was perfectly written, and so tragically sad. I have several trans friends located over here (where I live now in the Netherlands) who are very hesitant to go to the US for business meetings. It’s becoming a very intolerant and unwelcoming place. I really don’t recognise it any longer. Every day I read more things that make me think we are barrelling backwards decade by decade until we won’t even be in the 20th century any longer.

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If they come to California or NYC, they should be fine…..for now.

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Excellent piece, as usual -- but, although I can probably finish this sentence of yours somewhat accurately, it will likely be better if you do it:

"Instead, what we value most about our fellow humans is what they contain, not . . ."

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And heartbreaking.

Thanks, Michael.

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I think these uber conservatives are deathly afraid that they will be attracted to/want to have sex with someone packin’ a pickle. It will confirm their deepest darkest fears.

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uh-Yup. That's why most (all?) of the focus is on trans women.

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Do you and Martha ever think of staying abroad indefinitely? Just as a passing thought?

But I know you have to return for Season 2 of HIGNFY. And the children, of course.

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I have a mustache that could be described as "military" or "navy." Also, I am a very white person. My last name is Swedish. I think I should be given a Dept. of Defense position. If that would create problems among the crowd of military sorts who want those jobs, we could just skip that part and start sending me my pension.

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Always ironic, now tediously so, how these guys demand things like "humility and selflessness" or conventional outer beauty from others when they exhibit none of these traits themselves. Honestly, they have so little to recommend themselves —false bravado, the facade of success, and childish manipulation tactics. The saddest thing about men like Trump or Musk isn't even the men themselves. It's their lackeys and followers.

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Ugh. This is gonna be a long four years.

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