"How odd that so many of these same people subscribe to a religion I do not which preaches the same sentiment I hold to be true, and which they do not." Good point, well put.

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What a bitch

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jesus christ am I ever sad (and pissed)

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To think this wasn’t a question until maybe Reagan (debatable I know) but mostly we sailed along in this country assuming everyone cared one way or another. Then the sociopaths saw an opening in our complacency and ran with it. Only psychos want to rule the world.

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The fact that we have in office a person who is incapable of grasping, even momentarily, anything beyond his own interests is a reflection of how stunted we have become in civic terms. There is a not-inconsiderable chunk of the population who have no idea what government is supposed to do, what governance is supposed to be, what the difference is between spectacle and reality, or for that matter, what the difference is between leadership and bullying, and this is reflected every time out in the scores of people in Congress who are supposed to be representing the public interest but don't believe in it - or for that matter, even believe in government, though they want careers in it.

When climate change really kicks in to the degree that people who think they're immune to it, or that their gazillions and crypto will save them from it, realize that none of it will, then they will understand the value of caring about things beyond their own interests.

Those who will be capable of braving the future will be those who understand the meaning of solidarity. We're all in this together. It's an inevitability.

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Thought I was going to die last night. In ER now since 2am with now diagnosed tachycardia. Waiting on ambulance to be moved to hospital across town. They asked me if I was stressed about anything. I snort laughed. Then, they did, too. I said, “take your pick!”

I think most of the WORLD is stressed right now. I truly think that…. If I could just bitch slap the crap outta a few people, I’d feel much better. I’m making a list.

The spouse has a growing list of people he’d like to punch in the face.

No surprise, mostly republicans.

Excellent article, by the way.

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Feel better, friend.

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That one hurt. Thanks.

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I think one of the best real life examples of why we should care about other people is vaccination. Individuals have a much greater likelihood of being protected against disease not only because they are vaccinated but also because others have chosen to vaccinate as well. If multiple individuals choose not to vaccinate for selfish or unscientific reasons, then it is the most vulnerable individuals who are adversely affected first (and then eventually others on a larger scale.) We are seeing this now with the measles outbreak in Texas.

Another example of this is universal healthcare. If the everyone collectively pays into one common plan, it should benefit everyone with lower medical overall costs.

Unfortunately, I think we are currently living in a society where you have to demonstrate to people that caring for other people actually also benefits them as individuals. Strange times.

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Thank you, Michael, for putting into words how I’ve been feeling for the last 9 or so years. I told my wife the other day that I’m so tired of grieving, not just for loved ones lost during that time, but also for our country, for democracy in general, for common sense, for rational thought, for empathy and for the truth.

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I can’t escape the thought that it all goes back somehow to Rush Limbaugh.

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I feel you man! It’s a mule kick to the nuts. Fuck these fascist, confederate traitors

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“ How odd that so many of these same people subscribe to a religion I do not which preaches the same sentiment I hold to be true, and which they do not.”

Brillian, Michael. And I also am at a desperate loss as to “how to explain anything anymore because I don’t understand how we lost ourselves so completely.”

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Thank you Michael. Well said...sadly. ps. I'm glad you confronted that Republican congressman on CNN.

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We will be ashamed to be Americans as long as this asshole and his ilk run the show. Unfortunately, history books and our children will live with this shame. I bought my Ukrainian lapel pins to fly in the face of MAGOTS.

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Hi Rick! Fancy meeting you here! This is a great piece! I “liked” your comment before I saw it was “your” comet!

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“easily, and gleefully, as if they were pulling wings off flies” 💔 there’s no way to explain empathy to a sociopath

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Eloquently stated.

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