Expect a tantrum the likes of which would put a spoiled two year old to shame…

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Lets win first, then throw his ass in prison for treason where he belongs. That will kill the spell quick.

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We all go to Disneyland!!!! no actually, we go to sleep and we will sleep the sleep of those who stepped away from the abyss.

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I don't usually. And no I don't only read people that agree with me😂

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The GOP doesn’t see itself as needing a rescue or rebrand. As long as there is fear, there will be a party for it.

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That is precisely how That Guy rose to power. Because he talked like the way their friends and family talked.

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Love the fact that you seem to enjoy bullying any one who is not in "your " wheelhouse. I don't like either candidate! You really think this woman who couldn't even get a sniff in the last election is going to go toe to toe with china? Russia? You are the one who has trump derangement syndrome🫢

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That is an actual Russian talking point.

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Is this person talking about Kamala motherfucking Harris? WTF does she think District Attorneys and Attorney Generals do? She should take 2 minutes out of her busy schedule and watch her turn Bill Barr into a massive pile of Jello. I guarantee she won’t walk around with a dog collar on like trumpy , kissing Puty’s ass and saluting North Korea Generals .

If I’m confused at what her point was…carry on.

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"This woman" was elected Vice President of the United States last election. Sniff that, Janie.

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And by the way...I've never considered myself a fascist . You akways always sound condescending. Reread your post.

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Then you obviously don't know Michael! Nor do you seem to know how to interpret wry or dark humor. But that again tells me that you don't know Michael!

Thank You Michael for speaking your mind!

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Bullying? Who did I bully in this piece? And yes, "this woman" will do well against any of our adversaries and well with our allies. I certainly prefer her measured approach to Trump's bellicosity, grandstanding, and lies.

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I always get the feeling if you're conservative you are delusional from you

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You get the feeling? Always?

You know what the Trumpers tell us to do with our feelings.

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Trump is not a conservative. Get your concepts straight.

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Forgive me, but I don't understand what "If you're conservative you are delusional from you" means. As far as fascism goes, I didn't accuse his followers of being fascistic, I said that his policies equal a kind of a diet fascism. If you're a Trump supporter, what exactly is it you support?

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If you feel this way, then why do you read his substack?

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She must have run out of excellent sentences.

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Yes. THIS.

*Arms flailing*

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JD Vance is waiting for his close up.

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What now indeed. To stretch historical similarities to the breaking point, Jan 6 was the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. Their Leader (who shall not be named) never received a voters majority but managed to get positioned as an absolutist. This group never goes away. They screamed at Irish and Italian immigrants, lynched Blacks on a whim, marched down Pennsylvania dressed in sheets and blocked doors to universities. Christ said that the poor are always among us but my take is that angry, dim—witted bigots thrive among us too

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