We're not left with a mess, the mess is being handled.

Not much else needs to be said about the matter, and our efforts should be directed elsewhere.

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The mess isn't Santos (although he's messy). The mess is the current abject state of the GOP

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Sorry, but why would you praise this fraud?

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How did you read that piece and think I was, in any way, praising George Santos?

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George's problem is his own, contrary to some statements here. He is the one who knows his background and he is the one who created a fictional character, then bilked folks out of money using that fictional character. He is not the first conman and he will not be the last, I am afraid.

As for the Republican Party holding onto him (and others like him), their 'tenuous' grip on majority is an indicator, but they also support a world class conman who is not an elected official, but who was. They have no idea how to gain followers with their Draconian policies against women and people of colour, and they see their numbers diminishing as their old, white base dies out. What they do have is very powerful allies in the Supreme Court and state-level representatives who have gerrymandered the voting districts so they cannot lose, whether they are the 'lose' in votes or not.

The American political system is corrupt and irreparable. George Santos is merely one small validation of that corruption.

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Well done.

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George is just the latest in a long line of con men/women/other that our nation has seen in its lifetime. I guess it’s not true that George invented the internet…

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What amazes me is that he can come out of the football World Cup AND survive the Rugby World Cup and still look as good as he does, albeit a bit chunky for a footballer. Maybe his journey into space did that...

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He’s got good hair, like former Texas Governor Rick Perry. You gotta give him that much, James. He’s got good hair.


A fellow with not much hair.

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