Every day i pray that he wakes up and decides that if he throws himself into a volcano, the gods will reward him…us..him… ok both.

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Michael, I’m still waiting to see a copy of the check written by Mexico to pay for the portion of wall Trump already built! 🤨

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As always, you perfectly elucidate every thought and feeling I've had. Thank you. I'm 100% with you. By the way, leave Twitter and come to Threads.

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You've perfectly articulated the feeling I had when seeing three electoral college, popular vote, and Senate go red. "Good, have the house too, take it all and when you fuck it up we'll know exactly who to blame".

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Could. Not. Agree. More!! Stick a fork in me, I’m done. They’ve made their bed, let them sh*t in it.

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Thanks for your honesty.

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I have a feeling you're in one of those "stages of grief" and will eventually snap out of it. (Thanks Cher). I walked through our supermarket today eyeballing everyone I passed, wondering if they voted for Trump. It wasn't good - I need to isolate until I snap out of it.

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I have been in a volcanic state of rage since Tuesday night. I hate this country. I hate every single Trump voter. I wish they wore MAGA armbands so I could spit on them as I pass by. I was hoping to see this country evolve into electing a female President before I die. But no, America is just as sexist, racist, stupid, greedy, and hateful as it ever was. I honestly think this is the beginning of the end. I have no optimism left.

“The government you elect is the government you deserve”. Thomas Jefferson.

I hope MAGA gets what they deserve. America didn’t even make it to her 250th birthday.

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I’m a Canadian, so I have no real skin in the game. However, my beloved country looks to be taking the same road. So my take is: if it was “record” turnout, what happened to the numbers? I have heard multiple times “this is not who we are “. I sadly think this IS who we are. How have we become a society that says

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Your glum, clear-eyed candor is depressing — but necessary. We’ve been kidding ourselves, and look where it got us?

No matter where you want to go, you have to know and accept where you are and start from there. Maybe you’ll get somewhere else, or not, but at least you’ll have been honest about reality and honest with yourself.

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Yeah I have had these thoughts too.

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Me too. Same exact feeling. I agree about him getting popular. It is their shit pile now. Unfortunately, most economists say he is inheriting a great economy which he will take credit for on January 30.

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I feel this way exactly. Finally aspiring to MAGA status- gonna spend the next 4 years with my head up my ass and somehow at the same time drive my four wheeler around my yard without a care in the world or a single thought about the plight of others…just enjoying my life. Fuck everyone else.

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I too had said that if he was elected that we would get what we deserve. Unfortunately, my frustration is that people just aren't informed, but it doesn't matter now. The billionaires are (and have been) able to take plenty advantage of that with their propaganda.

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Thank you for this. Hearing someone echo all of my doubt, frustration and insecurity is oddly reassuring. And I appreciate the reminder that even though we're not the majority, we're also not alone. <3

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