“They”? Judge not lest ye be judged. But also “By their fruits ye shall know them”. If his conversion is real, his roots are so fresh they are but inch deep. If he really wants to grow them, and not just be the guy who ostentatiously prays in the town square for the admiration of others, he would be best served to back out of any spotlight and study just what the heck following Christ entails. Then his witness might land a whole lot better.
I guess this new zealot convert hasn’t reached Matthew 6:5-6: “5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
Ughhhhh....I loathe Russell Brand with a passionate loathing only because I once had the most incredible crush on him and back then a lot of what he had to say fell very much in the un-crazy column. Some of the things he had to say actually resonated with me. I admired his cheeky irreverence and quirky mannerisms. Now, he's just gross and washed up. Just another tacky, crazy, brainwashed jackass grasping for relevance. Such a waste. Sad, typical poop.
I absolutely HATED him as an actor then he starts posting these anti-establishment rants and I’m like “OK, I’ll give that a listen,” and that lasted a few months until I got a little tired of his style, but would check back in every now an then and now it’s like, of course he found Jesus and really I’m just tired of him wandering all over the map constantly.
I’m with you on this. He always reminds me of a pet peeve that I have. I have had “friends” who think that everything they say in front of couples or other women have to be oversexualized. But these are the same ones who dare not bring their significant others because they don’t want anyone to speak around them like that. He always exudes this, “I am so comfortable with sexuality that YOU must have a problem, so therefore you are the one with the problem and you have to just be uncomfortable around my arrogance.”
So now the shoe is on the other foot. My thoughts and prayers go out to him for being the douche that I thought he was.
I’m so glad you chose this topic for your rant. I’ve been steaming about his right turn to Christianity and yes—I think it’s all contrived and total BS. I’m a long time fan of his comedy and some of his out there podcasts—but the sexual assault charges put my love on notice. As an atheist myself—I find it implausible that he’s suddenly a believer.
“They”? Judge not lest ye be judged. But also “By their fruits ye shall know them”. If his conversion is real, his roots are so fresh they are but inch deep. If he really wants to grow them, and not just be the guy who ostentatiously prays in the town square for the admiration of others, he would be best served to back out of any spotlight and study just what the heck following Christ entails. Then his witness might land a whole lot better.
I guess this new zealot convert hasn’t reached Matthew 6:5-6: “5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
Addict gonna addict. Whether it's drugs or sex or fame or followers or validation is really beside the point.
Ughhhhh....I loathe Russell Brand with a passionate loathing only because I once had the most incredible crush on him and back then a lot of what he had to say fell very much in the un-crazy column. Some of the things he had to say actually resonated with me. I admired his cheeky irreverence and quirky mannerisms. Now, he's just gross and washed up. Just another tacky, crazy, brainwashed jackass grasping for relevance. Such a waste. Sad, typical poop.
I absolutely HATED him as an actor then he starts posting these anti-establishment rants and I’m like “OK, I’ll give that a listen,” and that lasted a few months until I got a little tired of his style, but would check back in every now an then and now it’s like, of course he found Jesus and really I’m just tired of him wandering all over the map constantly.
I’m with you on this. He always reminds me of a pet peeve that I have. I have had “friends” who think that everything they say in front of couples or other women have to be oversexualized. But these are the same ones who dare not bring their significant others because they don’t want anyone to speak around them like that. He always exudes this, “I am so comfortable with sexuality that YOU must have a problem, so therefore you are the one with the problem and you have to just be uncomfortable around my arrogance.”
So now the shoe is on the other foot. My thoughts and prayers go out to him for being the douche that I thought he was.
"You'll know they really have something on me when I come out for Jesus."
- Hunter S. Thompson
Brand finding god, Brand being baptised - what a wanker. Do his followers buy this crap?
The truth of his convictions will be known according to his works over time. Can he walk the walk? Time will tell.... Am dubious.
It seems so crazy to me that people like RB can pivot so ridiculously and expect to be believed. We are truly a nation of suckers.
Amen! The Onion, as always, nails it: https://www.theonion.com/nation-could-have-sworn-russell-brand-was-already-convi-1850849838
I’m so glad you chose this topic for your rant. I’ve been steaming about his right turn to Christianity and yes—I think it’s all contrived and total BS. I’m a long time fan of his comedy and some of his out there podcasts—but the sexual assault charges put my love on notice. As an atheist myself—I find it implausible that he’s suddenly a believer.
He has a deep belief in the credulity of his audience, and a misguided belief in his acting abilities.
This is really funny when imagining it read in Mr Peeper's voice! But seriously.. he learned the grift early. He is not a nice human.
I think he's a total fraud and a creep.
My subscription to your substack is up for renewal. Hell ya! I love an angry Micheal Ian Black. And wholeheartedly agree.