I think I said "lunkheads," not "lurkheads." And yes, I feel comfortable calling people who are lunkheads lunkheads, which I feel like is a pretty gentle (and funny) way to castigate somebody for expressing unintelligent opinions. Yes, Joe Rogan is a real person and I think he can probably handle it.
I think I said "lunkheads," not "lurkheads." And yes, I feel comfortable calling people who are lunkheads lunkheads, which I feel like is a pretty gentle (and funny) way to castigate somebody for expressing unintelligent opinions. Yes, Joe Rogan is a real person and I think he can probably handle it.
And yes, I am concerned about these terms as perpetuated by those in the lunkhead movement, of which Rogan is certainly an icon. So while you're further correct that the movement as a whole concerns me, Rogan as an individual does not. He's a good avatar for the movement in this piece, but I don't spend a lot of time thinking/worrying about him in particular. And yes, I think it would be totally fair to say I am a critic of Marxism the movement, while Karl Marx the person does not play much of a role in my personal life. One can study something without having it play an important role in one's day-to-day life. For example, I have read a lot about Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, but they are not particularly relevant to my day-to-day life until their modern equivalent starts parading down the streets of Nashville. I'm not suggesting Rogan is either a Marxist or a Nazi, nor do I think the loose confederation in which he travels are those things, either. I have now spent more time writing/thinking about Joe Rogan with you than I think I spent writing/thinking about him while publishing the two pieces. Again, thanks for the input.
I think I said "lunkheads," not "lurkheads." And yes, I feel comfortable calling people who are lunkheads lunkheads, which I feel like is a pretty gentle (and funny) way to castigate somebody for expressing unintelligent opinions. Yes, Joe Rogan is a real person and I think he can probably handle it.
And yes, I am concerned about these terms as perpetuated by those in the lunkhead movement, of which Rogan is certainly an icon. So while you're further correct that the movement as a whole concerns me, Rogan as an individual does not. He's a good avatar for the movement in this piece, but I don't spend a lot of time thinking/worrying about him in particular. And yes, I think it would be totally fair to say I am a critic of Marxism the movement, while Karl Marx the person does not play much of a role in my personal life. One can study something without having it play an important role in one's day-to-day life. For example, I have read a lot about Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, but they are not particularly relevant to my day-to-day life until their modern equivalent starts parading down the streets of Nashville. I'm not suggesting Rogan is either a Marxist or a Nazi, nor do I think the loose confederation in which he travels are those things, either. I have now spent more time writing/thinking about Joe Rogan with you than I think I spent writing/thinking about him while publishing the two pieces. Again, thanks for the input.
I was going to respond, “okay, lunkhead” but it felt rude. I’ll let you go on about your business then.