What do you expect from an audience that’s listening to him.

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He’s not even funny. Lame ass “comedian “

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Joe Rogan’s audience gives their full-throated approval at the suggestion of men having sex with other men. Do you think the simple-minded oafs are still confused about why they all got boners?

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He's a generic road comic with a desperate energy that leapt at the opportunity to host a television "game" show for contestants that eat bugs and all kinds of bullshit meant to shock and gross viewers out, but he also seems to be obsessed with asking most guys, "how much you benching?" Boorish, and really, the guys that I meet and ask me if I listen to him (good god no) are pretty boorish, too.

His success with his show is not a surprise when you consider what kind of a chicken shit corporate media we have here in the USA, and also, who is allowed to re-run for another shot at the presidency after orchestrating a political coup to overthrow democracy, and who was also recently convicted of 34 felony counts whilst on that very campaign trail.

It's nuts, what can you say?

Good things happen to bad people.

Nothing ever makes sense.

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Joe Rogan is the worse thing to happen to comedy since Carlos Mencia.

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I do not care about anything Rogan has to say. Nothing.

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What a meatball. Hope his run is about over.

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So glad to see he’s trying new material.

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#killtony audience is a cesspool (insert Blue streak gif; by the way, heard "bingo card" and "vibes" a lot so start making annoying-phrase jars...

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Someone should tattoo a urinary meatus atop that bald and empty head

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His jokes are retarded. See I’m not afraid to use the R word either.

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It's an interesting conondrum, where freedom of speech should begin or end. I personally haven't figured it out yet.

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“Why? I don’t know, but I suspect it has something to do with the red-pilled crowd’s fear of “feminization.” When you break that fear down further, it distills into the idiotic notion that empathy is women’s work. Therefore, to rebel against kindness is to assert one’s masculinity. “ — this bit is incredibly well put. I really appreciate your writing. 🏆

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dear michael,

this is funny: "Nothing’s less funny than explaining a joke of course, so let’s do that."

also this is: "To break it down further: the joke is that the mixed martial artist Joe Rogan is afraid of Black people."

thanks for sharing as always!



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My take on Rogan has always been, “guy finds audience.” It’s basically Trump with less hair. Nothing to see here. Go back to your homes.

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Joe Rogan is all about rage. He is negative to the highest degree. He thinks ranting is a form of comedy, when in fact it’s sign of mental illness. Rage in men is the way men express depression. Based on his rage, Rogan is definitely very depressed. I would recommend a session with a therapist to Rogan. Of course Rogan being his idea of a tough guy, wouldn’t think of getting any help. He thinks getting help for his rage problem will make him look weak. What he doesn’t seem to realize is not getting help is only going to make his attitude worse. He might think he would look weak by getting help, but his rage ranting makes him look weird.

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I agree. More than one session with a therapist and you know, there’s medication for this kind of thing. Think about it.

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