I'm 63 now, but baseball players will forever be the grownups I long to be. Something about that game makes grown men kids. See you at the park, Michael.

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As a 14 year old, I ran into Reggie Jackson at a professional golf tournament. I asked him for his autograph and he said , “ I’m on my day off kid”. Hated him ever since - magnified because I am a Red Sox fan.

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Terrific piece. My first sign of aging was when a rookie-of-the-year was younger than me. (Fernando Valenzuela in 1981) The aura was popped, but I still love the game, even if it's now being played by people young enough to be my grandchildren.

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This was terrific. I have a goal to visit all 30 MLB stadiums and knocked out both Camden Yards (Baltimore) and Citizens Bank Park (Philadelphia) the last week of the season on back to back days. They both provided such unique experiences, yet there was that buzzing energy throughout that was so cool to see.

I haven't kept up with baseball as much either, but you nailed it: there's a magic within the sport that really helps us as kids, and we can only hope to hold onto it in adulthood.

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This was a lovely read MIB, thank you so much. My late father was a minor league baseball player who once got to play with both Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb in an exhibition game. The thrill of a lifetime. Then WWII broke out and he quit baseball to join the navy.

He was also a very capable golfer who years later played in a Pro-Am with some celebrity sports figures including Billy Martin who was then manager of my dad’s beloved Detroit Tigers. I got to tag along with my dad and meet Billy Martin who was quite volatile in that setting as well.

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Ok, Ian, this has nothing to do with your love of baseball, or really anything you have written lately and I do love your writing! Watching the 3rd segment of “Have we got news for you!

Feign a stroke, long Covid, family emergency or just need more time with the family. Just get OFF there! This show is not salvageable.

Leave before it’s cancelled!

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Oops, hit send too early

Your excellent writing gave me the impression that you had a sense of humor and self reflection, even when painful.

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Do you have any understanding that purposely trying to hurt somebody is a bad way to comport one's life? I don't care if you dislike the show. What is your purpose in coming on here and shitting all over it? Why speak to it at all? Would you go up to somebody you don't know on the street and be like, "Hey, just so you know, you look like shit today?"

And then to turn around and say you "had the impression" I had a sense of humor? What are you actually doing? Are you just trying to get attention?

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Ok Michael,

I’m sorry, but the show is just plain bad. Seriously, your writing and intelligence are much better than this. I rarely agree with you on politics (we agree on trump tho!).

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I think this show is just what we need, and hit its stride this week. Michael is superbly cast in it, and he and Amber balance well.

The show is enormously popular in the UK, and with time will gain an audience here as well.

Perhaps you and your three subscribers will look again.

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I don’t understand why:

1. You continue to shit on me

2. You insist on calling me the incorrect name.

Can you explain?

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To me, Reggie Jackson will always be the guy who was hypnotized into trying to assassinate Queen Elizabeth in the first Naked Gun movie.

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No sports talk here, so feel free to move on!

Ian, just caught another segment of “I’ve Got News For You”. Well, I wish I could be more encouraging. 🤷‍♂️🙁 However, I am glad they gave you more airtime.

Anyway, please don’t quit your Substack (day job!) I just didn’t hear anything I could grab onto or even chuckle, 🤷‍♂️, sorry.

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.. boffo ! 🦎🏴‍☠️🇨🇦

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Dammit, MIB. This one choked me up (okay, fine, I cried a little). Has anyone ever told you that you have a way with words?

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You're actually right, Michael. The Baby Ruth bar was named after the slugger but the candy company claimed they named the bar after Grover Cleveland’s daughter in order to win a lawsuit after Babe Ruth sued the company.


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Aw, Michael, watch the games. Watch one or two. The magic is still there…..

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Agreed. The rule changes that sped up the game make it much more enjoyable to watch. Shell out $29.99 for the MLB TV postseason package and you can even skip the commercials as well.

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I was a terrible baseball player, bad eyesight and coke bottle lens glasses gave me little depth perception, but I do like baseball. I will watch at least one game at least for my grandsons' benefit, they are all Yankees fans and one is a college lefty pitcher. The ashes of their oldest brother who died last year are scattered on the turf where old Yankee Stadium was located. I get to cheer in the post season rarely being a CUBS FAN! Still for Brody...GO YANKEES!

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

In a tee-ball game, after repeatedly whiffing (or hitting the tee) at my one at bat, my dad gently asked, "do you think there are any other sports you're interested in" on the walk home. Even at that young age, I got the hint. I wasn't much better at soccer. These days, I stick to disc golf.

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You've probably already realized this, but Chris Chambliss played first base. Still, I get the point. I continue to be an avid Yankee fan at 67, but the magic of it is mostly gone.

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Damn it, you're right!

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Every once in a while I get it right.

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