Well articulated.

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There’s a whole show 20+ seasons on disclosure take your time digesting

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And why else because these technologies give the world free energy

No need for war

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Seriously you guys need to watch close encounter of the 5th kind””” it’s a documentary

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Listen to this interview https://youtu.be/RhExWWbCZjc?si=N8iNZX9gyRZZO7NW. The smartest scientists involved lean towards this hypothesis versus extraterrestrials. Bernardo is one of the most brilliant minds in the world. The interview is worth serious consideration. Grusch will likely concur.

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And another thing... being a comedy fan for as long as I’ve been fascinated by tales of strange phenomena, particularly the whole complex of topics surrounding UFO reports, it isn’t lost on me that the country and much (not all, some places have much bigger and more tragic fish to fry) of the world is entering into Firesign Theater territory. Anyone who has heard their albums Everything You Know Is Wrong and In the Next World You’re on Your Own would now regard them as somewhat prophetic based on their titles alone, if they didn’t already. One of our presidential candidates in essence campaigns with the message “NOT INSANE!” and if we had a real “Martian Space Party” it would have a sizable constituency. That’s what happens when you dig deep into the messy unconscious of your own time, you hit veins of gold that run under all times and into the heart of the national character itself. The fact that Congressman Beauregard Crankshaft (R-LA) is in a secret meeting discussing inter-dimensional beings pretty much clinches it.

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Weird when your longtime niche interests become the topic of secret congressional meetings. Weirder still when, as into those things as you may be, you’ve never been able to come to any conclusion for yourself as to whether those oddball things are A. “Real” in any sense of the word or B. You aren’t simply into it for the entertainment value of the folklore surrounding it. I’m beginning to feel that as “validating” as such official attention may (seem to?) be, it could just as easily validate the idea that it is indeed REAL or at the very least “something” as it could validate the deeply folkloric, universal (more than merely “bi-partisan”), even archetypal nature of it. It could, of course, be equally BOTH. It certainly is indicative of the era we’re living in that governmental officials at any level are publicly (well, in secret, but at least not denying they are) investigating or discussing a topic with such deep psychic (psyche “psychic” not Kreskin “psychic”) roots. Such layers are usually only dredged up in chaotic, transitional times.

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“Regardless of your beliefs on this matter, consider for a moment the extraordinary nature of such a meeting: Congresspeople being briefed, in secret, about recovered UFOs.” This would have been a compelling argument at other points in history, but this congress is such a clown show that it’s a strike against credibility if anything.

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I might be tempted to agree if this wasn't bipartisan.

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Fair :)

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

There’s something something. That’s a line stolen from True Detective 1.

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It’s heartening to see government officials finally taking this seriously. If only more of the press would. In my opinion, this is the biggest story of our lifetime. Now, I love me some Tay-Tay, but I’m sure she’d agree that the very real possibility of interdimensional beings existing trumps her holding hands with her boyfriend (the subject of an actual headline I saw this morning).

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It also trumps any story about LBs district switch amidst the heavy media attention to the theater groping and vaping spectacular.

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Have you seen “Don’t look up”? J Law’s finest moment on film. Also Leo did a hella job. Streep as a female Trump and Jonah as Don jr/Eric combo.

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It's an excellent film, I've watched it more than once. It wasn't critically well received, which still puzzles me. Anyone who has ever worked in government would see this more as a documentary than fictional. (Ditto Eye in the Sky.)

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I work in Government...Trust me. lol/no lol. I see it as a documentary and the difference between our electeds, the media and reality.

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I saw Eye in the Sky at the cinema, a planned escape from work induced anxiety. If you've seen the film, you'll know what a big mistake that was; BIG mistake. (Me towards the end, screaming in my head: make a fooking decision, make a fooking decision, make a fooking decision, you fools!)

Decades in government and private sector bureaucracies. Lol/no lol.

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I made that mistake as well.

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I'm glad it wasn't only me. I still have flashbacks.

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I did! Really enjoyed it.

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SPOILER ALERT! The scene that just slays me, along with Jonah's "prayers for our stuff", where J Law grabs the pill from Leo that Leo's just removed from the bottle and says "What is it?" Leo says Xanax and she downs it fast. I wish there was a YouTube clip of that.

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People of Earth and Resident Alien, cannot recommend enough

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People of Earth is one of the best shows nobody ever heard of!

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Speaking of interdimensional beings, Shakespeare's Hamlet was on to this.

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy”

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I agree with both of your summations below. This topic continues to interest many of us, it seems. What is there there?

1. Now I may be just be a simple country lawyer, but something about that doesn’t add up unless there’s some kind of there there.

2. When was the last time a Congressperson was asked about inter dimensional beings? In my opinion, it doesn’t happen nearly enough.

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Judging by their overall poor quality and general lack of knowledge about how things work here by some of those elected representatives--looking at you, MTG and LB and the other magats--I would be hard pressed to argue against there being strange nonhuman "intelligence" beings among us.

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They are such a sad reflection of the elecorate, or at least I hope so. We're not in good shape if they truly reflect their electorate.

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At least you aren’t linking to another story with Barbie doll aliens this time.

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